Valcure, also known as Alien Valky or Valkyrie, is a major antagonist in the 2019 Netflix anime series, ULTRAMAN, based on the original 2011 manga series. She is an alien woman who served Mephisto, aiding him in disrupting the reputation of Ultraman.
She was voiced by Mao Ichimichi in Japanese and Jennifer Sun Bell in English.
Valcure is a fiercely thrill-seeking alien who finds excitement over fighting and killing her enemies in a swift second. She makes it clear that depending on who she's working with, she takes nobody's orders unless it would benefit her homicidal demeanor and as permission gets granted to her, she tasks up her tasks quickly.
She has a seductive side as she takes a certain liking to Kotaro Higashi, being impressed with his fighting style, despite numerous times she's tried to kill him. Apart from her demeanor, whenever she isn't working, she seems to get along just fine with other fellow Seijin like Zarab and Maya under mutual interests.
Valcure, at some point, joined Mephisto and a group of Alien Zarab, under Edo's orders, to cause as much destruction and damage while having the blame pinned on all Ultramen to make them seen as a threat.
She first appeared stabbing Bemular behind his back while he was distracted by an Alien Zarab disguised as Agent Adad, ensuring the former doesn't interfere with their scheme. When Kotaro was chasing after a fake Shinjiro (Zarab in disguise), Valcure encounters him in the sewers and begins to fight him, while at the same time, flirting with him. She finds interest in Kotaro as they fight and when Kotaro questions her motives, she responds by stating he should've figured out from Mephisto's statements earlier and backs down the attempt to kill him, not before seductively kissing him as she leaves. Later, Valcure meets up with Mephisto on their spaceship, the latter saying everything is all set according to plan.
After eliminating two of the other Ultramen, Valcure is seen discussing with Mephisto the next phase of their scheme and finding Shinjiro's whereabouts through the alien network, she was tasked by Mephisto to go after Mephisto. Though for the time being, she had no lead but decided to take advantage of SSSP's search for Shinjiro, asking Mephisto permission to kill some of them, which he permitted. At the park, she ambushed Shinjiro upon finding him and came close to killing him during their fight. When Shinjiro tried running away from her, Valcure sneakily pulled a knee kick onto him and prepared for the finishing blow, however, Kotaro came to his rescue at the last second but she went ahead to take them both on. As Shinjiro escaped, Valcure continued fighting Kotaro until Moroboshi came to his aid, it wasn't until Valcure decided to leave after Moroboshi suggested that he and Kotaro would deal with her later.
Valcure is seen back in the spaceship with Mephisto discussing their scheme's progress so far before leaving, saying to him she doesn't take orders from the latter as she can do as she pleases against the Ultramen. She later confronts Shinjiro and Kotaro when a fake Moroboshi (Zarab) attacks them and prepares to kill them both once Kotaro confirms the suspicions of a fake Ultraman and their plans to set up Shinjiro. The fight shifted from under the bridge to the road as Valcure and Zarab cornered and restrained both of them, holding Shinjiro in her mercy and preparing to eliminate him. She's later paralyzed and beamed by Rena Sayama, the Ultrawoman, who saves Shinjiro at the last second.
She gets up and tries to kill her before fighting Shinjiro and Kotaro once more, only then would the former beat her at her own game. Valcure, remaining adamant, tells Kotaro that her goals and Mephisto's are different and before leaving, she gets Kotaro's alias "Ultraman Taro", as she swings her Katar from afar, teleporting while hoping to meet Kotaro again. After her current failure, she returns to the spaceship where she reported about the Ultrawoman and Mephisto returns the favor by seemingly killing Valcure after her usefulness was up by electrocuting her to a corner.
Unbeknownst to Mephisto, during the aftermath and mid-credit scene, Valcure is shown to survive the assault by acting dead for a chance to escape without Mephisto ever realizing this. She's last seen meeting up with a surviving Zarab member and Maya, the last of the Wadorans (who miraculously survived death from Pedan's grasp) at a bar where they got together for a drink and recall the previous defeats of past villains such as Edo, Ace Killer, Pedan, and even Mephisto, stating they're not interested to have their hopes up while Valcure intends to not let things end there before ordering.
- In the original manga, Valcure had long-length hair and had a human disguise of being a cosplayer whereas in the anime, she had a pigtail hairstyle.
- In the mainstream franchise, most of the Alien Valky are commonly male whereas Valcure, Valky's counterpart, is female in the ULTRAMAN manga/anime series.
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