Valgan is one of the Legendars of the Daruga Imperial Army and an antagonist in episodes 34 and 35 of Genseishin Justirisers.
He is voiced by Matsuo Matsuo, who previously voiced the Bisil in Chouseishin Gransazer and Rajimeus in the same series, and later voiced Desgon in Uchu Sentai Kyuranger.
Valgan came to Earth in pursuit of Mira and several other members of the Riser resistance against the Daruga Empire. After killing the other resistance members, Valgan went after Mira but the Justirisers took notice and intervened. After Valgan briefly battled the Justirisers, Commander Adorocs appeared and teleported him to his spaceship. Valgan questioned what a member of Majin Daruga's direct command was doing on Earth, to which Adorocs revealed to him that Daruga had set his sights on Earth as the next planet for his conquest and that he had been sent to prepare it for his arrival. Valgan would then make another attempt to kill Mira and battled the Justirisers, but Demon Knight intervened and drove him off so he could face Riser Glen himself.
Valgan would then attempt to kill Demon Knight for attacking him and targeted the warrior while he was meeting with Mio and Mira. However, Riser Gant appeared and held Valgan off while Mio and Mira attempted to reach out to Demon Knight. Riser Glen and Riser Kageri then arrived to assist Gant in battling Valgan, with the former becoming Shirogane and destroying him.