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Villains Wiki

We’re taking this show... on the road!
~ Velvet’s most famous quote.

Velvet is the main antagonist of DreamWorks's 45th full-length animated film, Trolls Band Together, the third installment in the Trolls franchise.

She is the pop singer and older twin sister of Veneer. She rose to fame quickly by tormenting Floyd, a former member of the boy band BroZone, and she now seeks out the other members of the group in order to steal their skills. She is also the arch-nemesis of Branch and his brothers.

She was voiced by Amy Schumer in her first villainous role in her normal voice, and Brianna Mazzola in her singing voice.


The director of the movie implied that Velvet is really into music and throwback references when she said in an interview that she and Veneer are like "90s Pop Divas."

In contrast to her brother Veneer, Velvet is the more conceited and dominant sibling. She is also portrayed as a harsh and callous diva who doesn't want to put in the effort necessary to accomplish her moral aims; instead, she prefers to be avaricious and amorous, taking shortcuts even when doing so is unethical for the people who suffer as a result. Along with being extremely critical, judgmental, and nasty to her brother, she also coerces him into making poor judgments in order to support her rather than thinking for himself. She criticizes him for his faults in an aggressive or passive-aggressive manner. She is not immune to emotional blackmail or mental assault.

Velvet is the epitome of a narcissist in addition to having a violent temperament and an extremely short fuse. The simplest way to portray this is for her to continuously express how much she loves herself and how driven she is to fulfill her ambitions—fame and recognition, in particular. This leads to her pathological lying and her parasitic inclinations to ignore other lifeforms like the Trolls and Crimp and to take advantage of and then discard those who are close to her, like her own brother.

Velvet is incredibly intelligent, but her ego prevents her from seeing her own mistakes, thus sometimes she can be naive and even incapable of anticipating the repercussions of her own actions.

She is also utterly shameless and shows no regret for her acts, even after being jailed, in contrast to her brother. Put another way, she is a sad person who will never learn from her mistakes and will ultimately be abandoned by everyone, even her own brother.


Velvet's appearance is as follows: she has large blue eyes, neatly styled hair tied in a long ponytail, and is tall and extremely slim. Her skirt and top are shiny bronze. She had on boots, a necklace, and bracelets all in dark violet. She's wearing a gorgeous royal purple tiara as well. The initial letter of her name, "V," is meant to be formed by the two longest segments. As makeup, she wears pale pink blush and purple lipstick.



Velvet and Veneer were raised by their parents when they were younger. Despite having a normal upbringing, Velvet felt she deserved more, frequently throwing tantrums against her parents over not getting what she believed she deserved, prompting her parents to spoil her in order to suit her tastes. She is also implied to be bullying and eventually abusing Veneer for years.

Floyd was imprisoned in a diamond bottle by the twins before the events of the movie, and the only family that could free him from this prison would be the ideal one. As they became well-known, they recruited Crimp, their assistant.

Trolls Band Together[]

John Dory first made reference to Velvet and Veneer when he, Branch, and Poppy set out to rescue Floyd after receiving a letter—which was, in fact, faked by Velvet—that said Floyd had been kidnapped by them at Mount Rageous.

Velvet said that she had always been her own inspiration during an interview with Kid Ritz regarding their ascent to stardom and upcoming Life-Time Award. She totally embraced her own narcissism and showed no guilt for depleting Floyd due to her own greed. When Velvet saw that Veneer was becoming anxious about their skeleton in the closet, she proceeded to "calm him down" by using physical force—a forceful smack. Later evidence revealed that she and her brother were both awful vocalists who could only produce caterwauling sounds.

Velvet continued draining Floyd, who was actually getting pale from frequent draining, and announced that there wouldn't be any more Trolls for their dress rehearsal after telling their helper Crimp to stand in the corner. Then Velvet gave Veneer a severe reprimand for having a melancholy face. She also boasted about having sent a bait letter to the other BroZone brothers, using Floyd's handwriting as her own. After that, she and her brother went to purchase matching yachts.

Velvet informed Crimp and Veneer that they would be receiving shoulder pads in the form of smoothie machines—which were actually high vacuums designed to effectively drain the Trolls—while Crimp was showing Veneer and Velvet their new attire. Additionally, she disregarded Veneer's worries and suggestions for improvements to this strategy. Veneer corrected Velvet when she implied that they were both impoverished before becoming well-known, pointing out that their parents were dentists who reared them in the suburbs. Velvet, on the other hand, ignored him and insulted him, telling him that not only were their parents nobody, but she had always detested him since he was a giant drooling mess of a baby. Additionally, she threw Crimp into the small closet since she thought Crimp was suddenly more intelligent than she was and that made her feel uncomfortable. After that, she walked out of the room, enticing Veneer with the idea of being megastars instead of just superstars.

Veneer offered to help Velvet practice so they could at least dance better while they were still getting ready for the ceremony and BroZone was still not showing up. However, Velvet angrily shot him down, saying that their childhood dances were useless anyhow and that it was just a way for her to manipulate him. She and Veneer quickly fell for Floyd's staged demise, but she disregarded Floyd's existence by shaking the bottle with callous disregard. Then, with the intention of manipulating Veneer once more, Velvet used his dead goldfish Sparkles as blackmail to force him to flush Floyd down the toilet. Velvet was shocked to see Floyd come back to life and roll away, so she gave Veneer the order to pursue Floyd. Velvet took advantage of Veneer's concern for her when she came to see her brother, flattering him falsely about how well they got along and making him fall for her falsehoods once more. Then, in an attempt to impair his judgment, Velvet grabbed Floyd from him and informed him that Crimp should be replaced by a new assistant.

Clay, Spruce, and John Dory were apprehended by Velvet, who also threw Rhonda into the closet, after tricking Veneer into believing that they made a "good team" and that the award ceremony was imminent. She was the second person to notice Queen Poppy, Branch, and Rhonda approaching her and her brother's supporters as they were greeting them on the red carpet before they went to the Rage Dome. Unfazed by the diminutive yet aggressive Trolls in front of her, Velvet gave her brother instructions on how to operate their opulent car and used the essence of the four brothers as part of their act. When Branch attempted to take Floyd from her, she swatted him away as well.

Following Viva's arrival with Tiny Diamond, Bridget, and King Gristle Jr., and their successful capture of John Dory and Bruce from Veneer, and Clay from Velvet. But Velvet continued to be adept at her villainy and managed to get Floyd under her control. Even after Crimp turned off the power to their microphones, the teenage Rageon girl continued to pursue her dream of stardom, choosing to go on with an encore that would have effectively eliminated Floyd. Velvet refused to play the encore when Veneer attempted to use the pretext that they would be retiring following this performance. However, she insulted him by calling him a handsome idiot for defying her. Then Velvet enjoyed wearing Floyd out for the show, singing a waterfall of melody that had been taken from her captivity and feeling like the strong woman that she was, defeating the Trolls who she saw as inferior to herself.

But to Velvet's dismay and confusion, Floyd's four brothers—three of whom were in diamond bottles—managed to give the crowd a performance of Better Place. Then she realized that Floyd began to float away from her, joining in on the song just halfheartedly. Veneer made the decision to restrain Velvet in order to protect Floyd, which allowed Floyd to give his life in order to save the rest of BroZone. Velvet was bewildered and disbelieving of the brothers' altruism after Floyd passed away for a short while and was then brought back to life by the ideal family harmony. She continued to think the brothers were stupid for putting their family first.

After Veneer ultimately made the decision to be truthful to both the Trolls and himself by renouncing his pop-star life and confessing to his criminal charges—as well as revealing that he didn't truly enjoy being famous—Velvet was taken aback to learn that her brother had publicly exposed and humiliated her for being his sister. As Veneer stands up to her after she accused him that it was like she doesn't even know him, and by pointing out that it wasn't okay that she asked him to change, Crimp then suddenly puts thumbcuffs on both her and Veneer, the latter confused and claiming he had a change of heart. Crimp, despite Veneer turning over a new leaf, informed them both of their crimes for troll-napping, troll torturing and fraudulence, while Clay adds that they also committed tax evasion and he would have to repossess their yacht for it. By Veneer's approval, he and Velvet were then escorted by security. In the end, Velvet had completely lost everything in addition to being publicly humiliated by Floyd, his family, and friends, her former captor. From her brother who had once adored her to the stardom she yearned for.



Our voices sound like garbage. We are dying out there. [groans] What we need is more troll.
~ Velvet to Veneer, also her first words.
Velvet: Crimp, what are you doing? Why are you always hovering?!
Crimp: Uh, I’m standing.
Veneer: Well, be a good little assistant and go stand in the corner.
~ Velvet yelling at their assistant Crimp, and Veneer telling Crimp to go stand in the corner.
Velvet: Okay I canNOT with her.
Veneer: It’s really too much.
~ Velvet and Veneer about Crimp.
Velvet: Well, time for a spritz.
Floyd: No, please! I barely have any talent left to give. I mean, maybe like a desperate Christmas album or a one-off national anthem performance, but that is it!
Velvet: Oh, really? You don’t wanna? Okay, that’s fine. We'll just kiss our careers goodbye and focus our efforts on charity.
Veneer: [chuckles] Good one.
~ Velvet bullying Floyd before sucking his talents in the diamond bottle.
Floyd: Don’t you see? You’re literally sucking the life out of me.
Velvet: That’s what I tell Crimp every day.
~ Velvet.
Velvet: It's all going to change as soon as we have BroZone.
Floyd: BroZone?
Velvet: Yep! I forged a letter begging for them to come and save you. [sighing] I love me.
~ Velvet explained the plan to lure the rest of BroZone into a trap.
It’s called lying, Primp. Deal with me.
~ Velvet to Crimp, after using the shoulder pads to drain energy from Floyd.
Do you wanna lose all this and go back to the dark place where we had NOTHING?!?
~ Velvet to Veneer.
Our parents were nobodies, and we were nobodies. And when I met you, you were literally sucking your thumb and pooping all over the place.
~ Velvet to Veneer.
Veneer: You met me when I was a baby, so--.
Velvet: All over the place. It was nuts!
~ Veneer and Velvet.
Velvet: You don’t wanna give up all the yachts and the bling and your illegal pet monkey, do you?
Veneer: [titters] Okay. I've made my peace with it. Great job, Cringe.
~ Velvet threatening Veneer if they lose their possessions.
Velvet: You're smarter than I thought. Now I don't trust you.
Crimp: That's maybe not a rational response. I don't-- Please don't put me in the closet.
~ Velvet to Crimp as she trapped her in the closet.
Our dances sucked! How many fans do you think we can get making up sucky dances?
~ Velvet to Veneer about their dances.
Velvet: You guys want an encore?
Veneer: Encore? Sis, come on. This one won’t even last you half a song. Let’s just quit while we’re on top.
Velvet: Just sing, you beautiful idiot!
~ Velvet, having gone mad with greed, going on with the encore, despite knowing that doing it would result in Floyd’s death.
Velvet: It's like I don't even know who you are!
Veneer: Yeah you do. And you asked me to change anyway. Which isn’t okay, family or not.
~ Velvet to Veneer, after the latter reveals they were frauds near the end of the film.
Crimp! What are you doing?!
~ Velvet's last words before she and Veneer were arrested for their crimes by their former assistant Crimp.


  • Velvet and Veneer were supposed to be Bergens rather than Mount Rageons in the original concept artworks.
    • She (and her brother) along with the Mount Rageons, which are inspired by a line of dolls that were popular in the late 90s and early 2000s, "Betty Spaghetty".
  • Velvet might be seen as John Dory's darker side. Both were Celebrities (although John has a group called "Brozone" while she and her brother Veneer are Duets) and obsessed with perfection (John's obsession started with the concert incident years ago, while Velvet's obsession started at her rise to popularity). While he realised his mistake when his brother, Branch, tells him that they don't need to be perfect, Velvet continues torturing Floyd. If John hadn’t learned to not let his ego get the better of him and learn to respect Branch and his other brothers, especially if it weren’t for Floyd, he would've ended up like Velvet.
  • The fact that her brother says their parents were dentist implies that either they're orphans or their parents retired.
  • Ironically, despite the fact their parents were dentists, their meals were really sugary, like jello or donuts. This was probably to show how spoiled they were.
  • Veneer and Velvet are twin siblings, but Velvet is slightly older.


           Trolls logoVillains

King Gristle Sr. | Chef

Pop Trolls
Creek | Ancient Pop Trolls
Rock Trolls
Queen Barb
Bounty Hunters
Chaz | The K-Pop Gang | Reggaeton Trolls

Mount Rageons
Velvet | Veneer
