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This Article Contains Spoilers - WARNING: This article contains major spoilers. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. That is all.

All I remember is the lashes of whips. Each strike spreading a skein of fire across my back. The masters who killed slaves for sport. And the slaves that sacrificed their compatriots that they might live. There is no love. No friendship. Not there or anywhere else.
~ Vholran Igniseri.

Vholran Igniseri is the main antagonist of Tales of Arise. He is Renan Lord of Ganath Haros, and Alphen's arch-nemesis.

Originally a Dahnan slave like the protagonist, he was abducted and experimented upon by the Renans to create a new Sovereign. After surviving the experimentation and acquiring the power, he was then sent to Dahna to rule as one of the five lords during the Crown Contest. However, unbeknownst to him, another sovereign had just awakened from his three hundred year slumber.

He was voiced by Show Hayami in Japanese and Joe Zieja in English.


Vholran is first encountered by the protagonists after slaughtering a massive pack of Zeugles, causing them to fear his power despite now knowing of his identity.

Vholran later attacks the party, managing to single-handedly take on all six of them at the same time, and stabbing Shionne with his sword. During the encounter Shionne manages to graze him with a bullet, leaving a scar on his forehead.

Vholran's identity is revealed when he kills his fellow lord Almeidrea Kaineris. Afterward he kidnaps Shionne, and proceeds to use her as bait to lure her friends into a trap.

After rescuing Shionne the protagonists face him in battle, where he reveals that he is a sovereign. Alphen seemingly deals a fatal blow to him, but his body disappears in a suspicious way.

Later the party finds him alive, being used in a ritual against his will. Despite his hopeless situation, Vholran vows to hunt down Alphen, even as flames consume the room he is bound in.

During the climax, he arrives in a burning ship right as the party defeats the Great Spirit. Intervening before Shionne and Alphen can save the day, he seizes the Renas Alma, and forces Alphen to duel him one last time. After Alphen bests him, he proceeds to forgive Vholran for his wrongdoings. Vholran responds by shattering the Renas Alma in an act of defiance, which kills him.


Vholran is the polar opposite of the game's protagonist Alphen. After years of suffering alone, he developed a cynical worldview where the only means of survival was through conquering everything. Vholran sees no difference between his Renan oppressors, and his fellows Dahnans; they all exist for him to conquer and rule over. It's impossible to determine if he once had compassion, as by the time he is encountered in the game he is broken beyond repair. Alphen on the other hand became a noble hero because of the kindness and support of various people throughout his life.

Unlike the other antagonists, Vholran knows that the Crown Contest is a sham, and instead seeks to kill the mastermind behind it all: the Great Spirit. His drive to accomplish this goal (crossed with his sovereign powers) gives him the strength to survive being stabbed by Alphen, and nearly burning to death.


  • Despite The Great Spirit being responsible for the events of the game, Vholran serves as both a more direct presence in the story, and the final threat. The Great Spirit is also more of an animal acting upon mere instinct, whereas Vholran is a human with motives and ambitions of his own choosing. For these reasons Vholran can be considered the main antagonist, whereas The Great Spirit is more of an overarching antagonist.


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Tales of Phantasia/Narikiri Dungeon series

Tales of Destiny 1 & 2
Barbatos Goetia

Tales of Eternia/Online

Tales of Symphonia/Dawn of the New World
Cruxis (Mithos Yggdrasill | Kratos Aurion | Yuan Ka-Fai | Magnius | Kvar | Rodyle | Forcystus | Pronyma | Remiel | Kilia | Zelos Wilder) | Kuchinawa Azumi | Vharley | Pope of Tethe'alla | Abyssion | Vanguard (Commander Brute | Richter Abend | Lady Alice | Decus | Hawk | Magnar) Centurion Aqua | Pronyma

Tales of the Abyss
Grand Maestro Mohs | Six-God Generals | Arietta | Largo | Dist | Legretta | Sync | Asch) | Van Grants | Mohs | Gelda Nebilim

Radiant Mythology series

Tales of Vesperia
Duke Pantarei | Alexei Dinoia | Schwann Oltorain | Garista Luodur | Blood Alliance (Barbos) | Leviathan's Claw (Yeager | Gauche | Droite | Zagi) | Alexander von Cumore | Ragou | Ohma | Spiral Draco

Tales of Graces (F)
Archduke Cedric | Emeraude | Fendel Army | Lambda | Little Queen | Richard

Tales of Xillia 1 & 2
Alfred Vint Svent | Bisley Karcsi Bakur | Chimeriad (Jiao | Presa) | Agria | Wingul) | Exodus | Gilland | Ivar | King Gaius | King Nachtigal | Rideaux Zek Rugievit Muzét | Gaius | Chronos) | Victor

Tales of Zestiria
Heldalf | Lunarre | Symonne | Maltran | Eizen
Tales of Zestiria X: Lord Bartlow | Prince Konan | Gasparo Reno | Pope Masedra | Gouldman

Tales of Berseria
Innominat the Suppressor | Artorius Collbrande | Teresa Linares | Shigure Rangetsu | Melchior Mayvin | Oscar Dragonia

Tales of Crestoria
Cody Hjuger | Makina

Tales of Arise
Great Spirit of Rena | Helganquil | Vholran Igniseri | Balseph Erwolsey Teldilys | Ganabelt Valkyris | Almeidrea Kaineris
