Note: Asides from 500 edits and 5 months of activity, a minimum of 10 votes (assuming you made no invalid ones) with reasonably detailed explanations are required, such as about how a villain's crime make them stand out and why is their potential mitigating factors false. They should not be the mere bare minimum or solely derived from other voters and need effort on them.
They all should be valid, well thought, and respectful, in which all invalid votes would serve as a penalty that deducts one point from your total. For example, if you have 1 valid vote and 1 invalid vote, you'll be counted as having 0 valid votes. If you have 1 valid vote and 2 invalid votes, it will total to -1.
Keep in mind that this is only the bare minimum and does not guarantee you'll get whitelisted. The decision will still be at the admin's discretion.
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