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My ascendance is inevitable. A day, a year, a millennium—it matters not. I hold the patience of stone and the will of stars. Your striving is insignificant. Let your death be the same.
~ Vitiate to the Hero of Tython, and his most famous quote.
You wanted my return. You did not need to destroy whole fleets or turn a living world barren for that. You only had to point the Empire and Republic to a shared adversary, and let them do what they do naturally: make war. The scores of dead have nourished me. I am awakened. And I bring with me... death!
~ Valkorion revealing his narcissism to his wife and children.
Tenebrae, also known as Darth Vitiate or Valkorion, and better known as The Sith Emperor, is the main antagonist of the Star Wars Old Republic era. He was the Dark Lord of the Sith who reconstituted the Sith Empire as the Sith Emperor after the Great Hyperspace War and went on to rule it for more than a millennium. He was also the father of Thexan, Arcann and Vaylin.
Seeking to test the Galactic Republic's defenses, he orchestrated the Mandalorian Wars, then centuries later began the Great Galactic War between his Sith and the Republic. Eventually, he grew tired of Sith ideology and created the Eternal Empire, planning to consume all life in the galaxy in order to become an all-powerful god and reshape the universe in his image. He is the archenemy of Revan and the Hero of Tython.
There is no death; there is only the Force—and I am its master.
~ Vitiate to the Hero of Tython.
Vitiate is regarded as one of the strongest Force users to ever exist, and one of the most powerful Sith Lord of all time. His power in the dark side is surpassed only by Darth Sidious.
Even as a child, Tenebrae possessed immense strength in the Force, and his abilities began to manifest themselves at the age of six. He used his newfound powers to snap his adoptive father's neck with a thought, and tortured his mother with the Force for months while feeding on her fear and pain. As his powers grew, Tenebrae continued to gorge himself on the fear and suffering of those whom he tortured in public executions. He was also a master of many more traditional dark side powers like Force lightning and made use of the ability during most of his long life to torture, incapacitate or outright kill his enemies.
Tenebrae's power at the age of thirteen was great enough for Marka Ragnos, the ruling Dark Lord of the Sith Empire at the time, to acknowledge the teenager's strength and grant him the title of Lord Vitiate. Soon afterwards Vitiate gained a reputation as a scholar, spending much of the next century studying the secrets of the dark side. He soon exhibited an immense knowledge of Sith sorcery, becoming the most skilled practitioner of Sith magic and alchemy of all time. Another one of Vitiate's specialties was in the domination of his opponent's minds, as he was able to dominate the minds of eight thousand Sith Lords and bind them to his will.
He then used their combined power to perform the most complex ritual of Sith magic ever performed, ripping the Force from the entire planet of Nathema and absorbing the combined life force of every living thing on the surface. Lord Scourge suspected that Vitiate had not only absorbed the lives of those who had died in the ritual, but was in fact feeding off their spirits to sustain his own throughout the centuries that followed. He grew so powerful after this ritual that he even felt confident that, after fueling enough conflict and destruction across the Galaxy, he could even repeat this feat on a galactic scale in hopes of turning himself into an all-powerful god. During his time as the Sith Emperor, he also came to completely dominate the Sith ritual of Essence Transfer in order to prevent his spirit from dying; mastering the technique to such a degree that he was even able to split his soul with varying degrees of direct consciousness and control across multiple bodies while his original body was kept hidden away as a way to guarantee his survival, meaning that even if his main vessel was destroyed, Vitiate's dark spirit would just return to his original body to reform and eventually return once again.
I see futures in you. Futures I will not allow. Your future ends here.
You are mine. Servants. Slaves. Weapons. And you will obey!
~ The Sith Emperor to a Jedi strike team.
These petty conflicts mean nothing. The concerns of this galaxy are meaningless. Once I ascend, all will be tranquil in this galaxy. It is my promise to you. Now, strike!
My life spans millennia. Legions have risen to test me.
~ The Sith Emperor to the Hero of Tython.
You discern a fraction of reality. Beyond these stars exist other galaxies, other worlds, other beings. I will experience or ignore them as I wish. I will spend eternity becoming everything: a farmer, an artist, a simple man. When the last living thing in the universe finally dies, I will enjoy peace and wait for the cycle to begin again.
~ The Sith Emperor to the Hero of Tython.
I will not be contained. I cannot be redeemed. Death is all that remains, and you will not kill me.
~ The Sith Emperor after being defeated by the Hero of Tython.
I will not be your trophy. If I must die, I choose how—and everything dies with me.
~ The Sith Emperor to the Hero of Tython.
If you wish to keep railing against me, then so be it, your interference changes nothing. When I am finished here, when every life on this world has been exhausted... I want you to be alive. To know that I succeeded. Goodbye.
~ Vitiate moments before consuming all life on Ziost.
A man can have anything, if he is willing to sacrifice. With your birth comes a solemn vow: you will have nothing. Your privilege… is the dirt. In the darkness, only ambition will guide you. The oaths you swear, the promises you make, they are yours… alone. Your freedom will be the wars you wage. Your birthright: the losses you suffer. Your entitlement: the pain you endure. And when darkness finds you, you will face it… alone.
~ Valkorion's speech to his sons, Arcann and Thexan.
You presume limits to my power. There are none.
~ Valkorion gloating to the Outlander.
You would sooner die than acknowledge my superiority?
~ Valkorion to Darth Marr, moments before killing him.
Look around you. Zakuul is poised to become the greatest civilization in the history of the galaxy. I have forged this empire to surmount all of my previous works. To span eternity. The Eternal Throne commands a fleet more vast than any ever built. It has the power to reshape the galaxy into any image that I choose. That we choose. I will share all of this with you… if you will only kneel.
~ Valkorion to the Outlander.
The future is not a river to carry us. It is the ocean in which we drown, if we are not prepared.
~ Valkorion warns the Outlander of their future.
Kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul!
~ Valkorion, also the phrase used to condition his daughter Vaylin, which ultimately led to his own defeat.
You were an exemplary pawn—one I forged into a vessel of supreme power, worthy of preserving my spirit. Now I take your body as my own, and rule once more as the Immortal Emperor!
~ Valkorion revealing his master plan to the Outlander.
A god has no family. Before I graced you with my presence, you were nothing but motes of filth, drowning in the chaos of the void.
~ Valkorion to his wife and children.
Remember me when your Alliance burns to ash.
~ Valkorion, before being executed by the Outlander.
No! No! The Force is mine! I command it! I… am… endless!
~ Tenebrae's last words before his final death.
The Emperor on Dromund Kaas.
The Emperor on his throne.
The Emperor in his Space Station.
The Emperor summoning a powerful blast of Force Lightning.
The Emperor radiating darkness.
A duplicate of the Emperor.
The Emperor using Sith Lightning.
The Emperor appears in a vision of the Hero of Tython.
Valkorion in front of the Eternal Throne.
Close up of Valkorion.
Valkorion projecting Force lightning.
The primary incarnations of Vitiate (left to right). Tenebrae, his original name and body; Valkorion, Emperor of the Eternal Empire; and Vitiate, the Sith Emperor.