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Villains Wiki

There is none among vermin who can equal the fox for stealth, guile and ferocity. He alone carries the blood of the Great Vulpuz, Ruler of Hellgates!
~ Ermath the Seer

Vulpuz is a character in the Redwall series, being seen as some sort of Dark Lord or demon who presides over Hellgates, the evil part of the Afterlife. He is supposedly seen as the god of all foxes, and apparently all are descended from him.

His name is a pun on "Vulpes" which actually is Latin for "fox" and implies that he may take on the form of a fox to those deceased. Foxes consider themselves superior to other vermin because of this and see themselves as practically royal.


Although Vulpuz has not been physically seen in the Redwall series; he has possibly made cameo appearances in several books. He is possibly the source of Cluny the Scourge's insanity, and he could well be the voice that whispered to Cluny outside Redwall, the voice that said that Cluny would soon be free of his nightmares. That voice could very well be that of Vulpuz. However, like all prophets, his words are twisted: Cluny believed he was saying that soon all the Redwallers would be dead or enslaved, but what Vulpuz really meant was that soon he would take Cluny's soul.

Vulpuz could also be the one who shows vermin rulers the source of their impending downfalls, by sending them visions of their demise. Such is the case with Mokkan, Gabool the Wild, and Urgan Nagru. Vulpuz can be seen as a being that despite being in the Afterlife, has much influence over the world of the living. 


           Redwall Villains

Blodge | Captain Warpclaw | Catseyes | Cluny the Scourge | Damug Warfang | Doomeye | Gabool the Wild | Greypatch | Groffgut | Gruntan Kurdly | Raga Bol | Ripfang | Saltar | Slipp | Strapp | Ullig | Vitch | Wilce

Weasels/Ferrets/Stoats/Pine Martens
Antigra | Badrang the Tyrant | Bullflay | Cap'n Tramun Clogg | Eefera | Emperor Ublaz Mad Eyes | Ferahgo the Assassin | Gruven Zann | King Agarnu | King Sarengo | Klitch | Malkariss | Prince Bladd | Princess Kurda | Raventail | Sawney Rath | Spurge and Agric | Swartt Sixclaw | Threeclaws | Vallug Bowbeast | Veil Sixclaw | Vilu Daskar

Ascrod | Badredd | Balefur | Codj | Farran the Poisoner | Gelltor | Karangool | Lantur | Mokkan | Plugg Firetail | Predak | Ruggan Bor | Silth | Silvamord | Slagar the Cruel | Urgan Nagru | Vannan | Vizka Longtooth | Vulpuz | Ziral

Lady Kaltag | Pitru | Riggu Felis | Tsarmina Greeneyes | Ungatt Trunn | Verdauga Greeneyes

Asmodeus Poisonteeth | Zassaliss, Harssacss, and Sesstra

General Ironbeak | Korvus Skurr | Mangiz

Other "Vermin" Species
Frilled Lizard Leader | Gulo the Savage | Kharanjul | Lask Frildur | Razzid Wearat

Non "Vermin" Species
Druwp | Fenno | Gawtrybe | King Glagweb | Wakka
