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~ Joss' villainous breakdown to The Flash before unleashing a lightning tornado upon Central City.
Oh, God. You sound just like Silver Ghost...when I left her in Bolivia.
~ Joss mocking XS after turning against her.
Joslyn "Joss" Jackam, also known as WeatherWitch, was a supporting antagonist in season 5 of the television series The Flash and a minor antagonist in the 2019-2020 Arrowverse crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Joss is the estranged daughter of career criminal Mark Mardon AKA Weather Wizard and a former meteorologist who wields a meta-tech staff that allows her to manipulate the weather much like her father and his younger brother, Clyde Mardon. She is also a recurring enemy of the Flash and his daughter XS.
Joss was abandoned by father shortly after she was born, leaving her to suffer constant emotional abuse from her mother growing up which caused Joss to run away from home and pursue a career as a meteorologist only to loss her grant once her experiments were deemed too risky.
In the aftermath of The Thinker's failed attempt to enlighten the planet with the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite, Joss fashioned a dark matter infected weather vane into her personal weather control staff and used its powers to get revenge on her father for not being a prominent figure in her life. Weather Witch's efforts to commit patricide were repeatedly thwarted by the Flash who eventually managed to defeat Joss and save Central City from her wrath.
Jackam is later put on trial, but expresses remorse for what she did and is prepared to serve time. However, Silver Ghost frees her from the Central City Police Department's custody and persuades her to go on a crime spree with her by returning her staff. While XS persuades Weather Witch to stop, the latter escapes with the Silver Ghost.
As of the episode "Gone Rogue", Weather Witch abandoned the Silver Ghost in Bolivia and joins up with XS, Brie Larvan and Rag Doll to rob McCulloch Technologies. Weather Witch, Brie Larvan, and Rag Doll are defeated by Flash and XS and arrested by the authorities.
In the Post-Crisis continuity, Jackam is also a villain of Supergirl in National City. While she attacks the city Using her Weather staff, Jackam is confronted by Supergirl. But before the heroine can defend herself, Jackam is defeated by Flash, who states that she is one of his enemies.
Weather Witch later appeared in the EARTH-PRIME tie-in comics. She was imprisoned at an A.R.G.U.S. facility and eventually escaped from her cell along Tony Woodward, Psycho-Pirate, and Doctor Polaris. However, the team of villains was defeated by Phantom Girl and Vibe.
Weather Witch in Crisis on Infinite Earths
Weather Witch in the Earth-Prime tie-in comics
This version of Weather Witch is based on two DC characters associated with Weather Wizard; the first is a former prostitute and member of the New Rogues that tried to kill Mark Mardon at the behest of Libra and the second is Josh Jackam Weather Wizard's son who was murdered by Kid Zoom.
Joss can be considered a foil and dark parallel to Nora West-Allen. Like Nora in the previous timeline, Joss was raised by a single mother that she grew distant towards, although Nora would eventually reconcile with Iris' past self upon realizing that her mom was worthy of her admiration. Both women take after their respective fathers (Barry Allen and Mark Mardon) despite not having them in their lives growing up and sought them out as young adults, though Nora wanted the chance to get to know Barry and possibly prevent him from disappearing in Crisis while Joss wanted to make Mark pay for being an absentee parent by taking his life.