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Villains Wiki
Villains Wiki

Whiplash is a supporting antagonist of the Phineas and Ferb special "Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel".

He was voiced by Peter Stormare, who also portrayed Gaear Grimsrud in Fargo and Ghost in 22 Jump Street.


Fighting the Heroes[]

In the special, he teamed up with Red Skull, MODOK and Venom to fight off Hulk, Thor, Spider-Man, and Iron Man. After the four heroes defeated Venom and Whiplash, MODOK revealed his latest weapon: an anti matter device controlled by MODOK. The heroes overcome his weapon and were about to apprehend the villains, until a ray from the sky zaps the heroes and drain them of their powers. This gave Whiplash and the other villains the chance to get away.

Getting the Power-Draininator[]

At their evil lair, Whiplash was seen along with Venom, telling Red Skull that they should have destroyed the heroes once and for all. Red Skull, on the other hand, tells him and Venom that it doesn't change the fact how the heroes became powerless. Whiplash asked what could have happened to them. Red Skull summons MODOK, who explains to him that the ray came from a machine created by Heinz Doofenshmirtz after he read Doofenshmirtz's online blog about it in the L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. webpage. Red Skull then asks MODOK where to find Doofenshmirtz. MODOK informs Red Skull that Doofenshmirtz lives in Danville. Red Skull tells his comrades that they're going on an evil roadtrip to Danville.

The villains arrive at Doofenshmirtz's building, where Red Skull introduced himself and his villains to Doofenshmirtz, who explained that his machine (known as the Power-Draininator) is what deprived the heroes' powers in the first place, and that he was intending to use it to take over the Tri-State Area. Red Skull demands for Doofenshmirtz to show the -inator, but Doofenshmirtz confessed that his nemesis Perry the Platypus has destroyed the -inator after the ray was fired, much to Red Skull's anger. However, Red Skull is delighted to hear that Doofenshmirtz is intending to build a second (but powerful) -inator based on the same idea, so Whiplash and the villains agree to help him out in getting the materials he need.

After getting the materials that they need for the -inator, Doofenshmirtz was able to fix up his new -inator to full power. Delighted by this, Red Skull betrays Doofenshmirtz by trapping him in a cage, revealing his true plan to use the -inator to deprive all superheroes of their powers and destroy the entire Tri-State Area. Red Skull also spots a disguised Perry spying on them and has Venom to trap Perry in a cage as well. Stealing the -inator, Red Skull and his villains head over to City Hall to announce their plot, even having MODOK to make a few modifications that can make the machine drain living energy and matter. Despite their lack of powers, the heroes go off to confront the villains aided by Perry, who manages to free himself and Doofenshmirtz from their cages.


Eventually, Candace and Isabella soon discovered that the heroes' powers are held in a data collection tank in a space station built by Phineas and Ferb. They land the station in Danville and restore the heroes' powers, much to the dismay of Whiplash and his villains. After a brief fight against the heroes, Whiplash and his villains are arrested and taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.


           Phineas&FerbLogo Villains

Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Norm | Vanessa Doofenshmirtz | Gelatin Monster | Balloony | Evil Platypus Clones (Jerry the Platypus) | Doofenshmirtz's Mecha | Alien-inator | Rodrigo | Mindless Repulsive Pharmacists

Aloyse von Roddenstein | Dr. Bloodpudding | Dr. Diminutive | Charlie Bainbridge | Orville Von Roddenstein | TV Scientist | David Bringdown | Bannister Evil Enterprises (Professor Bannister, Bannister's Thugs, Me-Positive & Me-Negative) | Chloe | Dr. Killbot | Warehouse Goons

Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.-2
Doofenshmirtz Family-2 (Heinz Doofenshmirtz-2, Charlene Doofenshmirtz-2 & Vanessa Doofenshmirtz-2) | Norm Bots | Goozim | Animal-Borgs (Perry the Platyborg, Peter the Pandaborg, Pinky the Chihuahuaborg & Terry the Turtleborg) | Giant Mechanical Ants | Tony Marzulo

Dennis the Rabbit | Evil Carl Karl | Evil O.W.C.A. Robots (Evil Flynn-Fletcher Robots)

Extraterrestrial Beings
Mitch | Zachariah Yore | Morg | Super Super Big Doctor | Braxington-ton | Hermellivue | Stapler-Fist | Shoe-Monkey | Toilet Flower | Sand Blaster | Mama

Red Skull | MODOK | Whiplash | Venom | Darthenshmirtz | Stormtrooper Candace | Candace's C.O. | Norm-3PO | Stormtrooper Baljeet | Stormtrooper Buford Pistachions (Derek, Dennis, Giant Pistachion & King Pistachion)

Time Shift
Jekyll Doofenshmirtz | Doofengung | Mongol Army (Doofus Khan) | Doofenshmirtz (1914) | Corn Colossus of Juatchadoon | Norm (1914) | Doofenshmirtz Evil Amalgamated (Professor Von Doofenshmirtz & Pneumatic Pnorman)

Fictional Characters
Torbo | Control Freak | Smile Away Reformatory School (Drill Sergeant) | Morty Williams | Giant Buford | Shape Shifter | Ninja Vampires | Doofenwarlock | Spider-Monkey | Doofenwarlock Guards | Flying Squirrels | Little Witch Suzy | Jared | Malifishmertz Evil Tradesman Association (Malifishmertz, Meatlings, Lawn Gnorme & Shepherd Spy) | Keeper of the Bridge of Comprehension | Candace's Id | Worthington Dubois | Inner Doofenshmirtz | Professor Nibbles

Mr. and Mrs. Doofenshmirtz | Brobots | Suzy Johnson | Dr. Feelbetter | Lloyd Wexler | Professor Destructicon | Dr. Gevaarlijk | Esmeralda Poofenplotz | The Regurgitator | Biker | Khaka Peü Peü | Busting Candace | Tower | Potato Gremlins | Liam McCracken | Peggy McGee | Random Swimwear (Mittington Random & Klimpalooners) | Professor Mystery | Professor Parenthesis | Mecha-Fleas
