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Villains Wiki

You're One-horns!
~ Wire Org's first words when being found by Yabaiba and TsueTsue.
Why won't you collapse under my attacks?!
~ Wire Org after GaoKing shrugged off multiple punches and kicks from him and his final words before his destruction.

Wire Org is the barbed-themed Baron Org of the Org Tribe and a minor antagonist in Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger; serving as the main antagonist of the 2nd episode.

He was voiced by Hiroshi Iida.



As with all Orgs, the Org that would become Wire Org Org formed several thousand years ago from the anger and hatred expressed by humans and desired to conquer the world and turn it into tier paradise. This brought them into conflict with the Animarium and they went to war under the leadership of the most powerful of their kind; Ura, Shuten and Rasetsu who merge together to form Hyakkimaru. However, Wire Org was killed and sealed inside the Org Master by Tetomu after Hyakkimaru's death.


In 2000, due to excessive human pollution, the seal over the Org Master is released and the Org Spirits are unleashed on Earth.

Wire Org is born when his Org Spirit acquires some barbed wire and he attacks a police officer and then the city of Tokyo. Duke Orgs Yabaiba and TsueTsue find him and offer him their aid in satisfying his destructive urges if he kills the Gaorangers. When Wire Org accepts, the Duke Orgs give Wire Org the jar full of mysterious liquid which allows him to summon Orgettes. Wire Org continues his rampage in the city and summons the Orgettes to aid him in his evil plan until he encounters Kakeru and Sae. Kakeru attempts to reason with the Org only to learn that Orgs have no hearts and only care about hurting others. Wire Org taunts and insults Kakeru, calling him a fool and proceeds to attack the two Gaorangers so Kakeru has no choice than to fight the monster. He and Sae fight Wire Org until the other Gaorangers arive, Wire Org trying to wrap Kakeru with barbed wire only for Sae to be injured instead. The Gaorangers soon defeat the Orgettes and fight Wire Org but he proves to be far too powerful for them until they form the Hundred Beast Sword and kill him. Wire Org is quickly revived as a giant by TsueTsue as a giant, but is no match for the newly formed GaoKing Robo and is quickly killed by the Animal Heart attack.

Wire Org is later remembered as having fought GaoKing whilst the Gaorangers discuss thier past battles during the clean-up of Gao Rock.

During the final battle, Wire Org's spirit is summoned and absorbed by Senki to make him grow giant. Although Senki plans to insert all of the Org Spirits into the Earth to remake it as an Org paradise but Senki along with all the other Org Spirits are eventually killed by the one thousand Power Animals and the Gaorangers.

See Also[]

  • Barbed Wire Org


           Logo-gaoranger Villains

Ogre Tribe Org
Org Master | Orgettes
Ultimate Org: Hyakkimaru | Senki
Highness Org: Rakushaasa | Shuten | Ura | Rasetsu
Duke Orgs: TsueTsue | Yabaiba | Rouki | Kyurara & Propla | DoroDoro | Three Org Brothers
Baron Orgs: Turbine Org | Plugma Org | Wire Org | Camera Org | Temple Bell Org | Tire Org | Wedding Dress Org | Boat Org | Signal Org | Cell Phone Org | Bulldozer Org | SamuraiDoll Org | Copy Org | Freezer Org | Vacuum Cleaner Org | Bus Org | Clock Org | Glasses Org | Bike Org | Human Body Specimen Org | Lawnmower Org | Chimera Org | Karaoke Org | Vase Org | Bowling Org | Tombstone Org | Charcoal Grill Org | Blacksmith Org | Magic-Flute Org | Juggling Org | Animal Tamer Org | Monitor Org | Tinplate Org | Kurushimemasu Org | New Year's Org | Steam Engine Org

Cooyranger | Shaderanger
