The Wolf Spider is the secondary antagonist of the Bug Rangers episode The Mane Event.
The Wolf Spider resides at a cave by Panic Pier. He encountered Squiggz, Flutter, Cosmo and Grandpa Lou while they were resting by his webs and attempted to kill them. Flutter was afraid upon seeing him. Flutter stayed inside a can of soup until she was able to help get Squiggz, Cosmo and Lou from the Wolf Spider’s webs. She flung a bottle cap at him with a slingshot. She kept throwing objects at her while Lou freed Cosmo and Squiggz. They all ran away from the Wolf Spider until the sewer water flooded the Wolf Spider and made him get off the ground.
The Wolf Spider is feral and can only communicate by growling and hissing.
The Wolf Spider resembles an actual wolf spider and is less humanoid.