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Yaevinn is a supporting antagonist in The Witcher series, serving as a minor antagonist in the books and a major character in the 2007 Witcher video game.

He is a legendary elven member of a rebel group of non-humans called the Scoia'tael. After an operation against the Scoia'tael Inhumans, Yaevinn formed his group which led to the outbreak of the Second Northern War, and after the ongoing war at the Battle of Brenna joined the Vrihedd Brigade.

After the end of the Second Northern War, which ended in defeat for the Scoia'tael band, he fled the purge of Scoia'tael members and gathered the remnants of the surviving Scoia'tael members to form his new group against Temeria.

He was voiced by Jay Simon.


Like most elves, he is tall, thin, eternally young with a fair white complexion and long ears. Generally, Yaevinn has black long hair and yellow eyes. He is dressed in black leather armor with a large red belt with a silver bull, green pants, large brown boots and has red wedding rings on his hands.



Little is known of Yaevinn's future as he lived in a large city populated by humans, yet Yaevinn held no hostility towards them until the persecution and hatred of humans towards non-humans increased, making Yaevinn a barbarian that would never change so he joined the Scoia'tael to fight with people's racism.

Time of contempt[]

When Scoia'tael members attacked caravans from the northern kingdoms, most of the rulers of these kingdoms decided to launch operations against the Scoia'tael, causing the number of Scoia'tael to decrease. The survivors formed smaller groups, one of the groups was founded by Yaevinn and the members of this group are Toruviel and Cairbre aep Diared. The group was involved in raiding ludi caravans like any member of the Scoia'tael. Some time later in 1267, during a hissing ambush, Yaevinn and his spotted a horseman named Aplegatt riding alone, Yaevinn initially wanted to kill but Toruviel began to discuss with him whether or not to spare the man, when Yaevinn arrived and shot Aplegatt without hesitation, though Yaevinn was aware of the deadly on Aplegatta will lead to the Second Southern War.

The Lady of the lake[]

When another war broke out between Nilfgaard and the northern kingdoms, Yaevinn joined the Nilfgaardian side in the Battle of Brenna and joined Toruviel to the Vrihhed brigade under Isengrim. While in the brigade, the Vrihhed saw a medical tent and then broke in to kill all the patients who were in the tent on Isengrim's orders until they found out that the members were also being treated in that tent, shocking the members of the brigade.

After the end of the Second Northern War, the Nilfgaard Empire lost signed a peace treaty at Cintra, claiming that Nilfgaard and the elven kingdom of Dol Blathanna cut themselves off from Scoia'tael to leading ze majority of Scoia'tael members were killed in Drakenborg for execution. However, Yaevinn, along with Toruviel, managed to escape legal justice despite their severe injuries, yet they still decided to fight the humans.


While exploring the swamps near Vizima in Act 2, Geralt meets Yaevinn in the druidic grove. We can talk to him about several topics and he can give us a task called "Weight in gold", which involves delivering a letter to Golan Vivaldi, who lives in Vizima Monastery, asking for financial help. When we read the letter to Golan, they will give us new clues and unlock a new quest called "Suspicious: Vivaldi". When Geralt reaches Vizima, we can choose depending on our decisions:

  • If we give the letter to Vivaldi, he will write back his letter and say that he will not support Yaevinn and will give it to Geralt to deliver back to Yaevinn. After delivering Golan's letter to Yaevinn, it will prove that he will not receive it from the dwarf.
  • If we don't give it to the dwarf and instead give it to the city guard led by Captain Vincent Meis, we will get 100 orens and Vivaldi himself will be arrested. When Yaevinn finds out that Vivaldi is arrested, he will not be happy, but it will not have any negative consequences in the future.

To be added...

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