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Villains Wiki


I want that scroll. Do not challenge me, or you will regret it.
~ Yamikage demands the scroll from Benikage.

Yamikage is a major antagonist in the Kirby: Right Back At Ya!, appearing in the episode Ninja Binge as the main antagonist. He is not actually a monster, nor was he created by Nightmare. He also made a cameo appearence as an action figure in the two-part episode Snack Attack.

He was voiced by Isshin Chiba in the Japanese version, and Eric Stuart in the English dubbed version.


The Past[]

Yamikage was once a member of the Ninja Special Forces of the Galaxy Soldier Army, but eventually betrayed them to join the dark side of the Emperor of Darkness, Nightmare. That fact is proven when he was seen riding on top of the head of a massive silver dragon, which is just one of Nightmare's kaiju-esque monsters. It is not known why Yamikage betrayed his teammates.

The Present[]

Years later, King Dedede purchased Yamikage to help him steal back Benikage's "failing" report card, which was believed to be a ninja scroll by everyone in Cappy Town. Benikage's curiosity almost gets him killed when he challenges Yamikage, but it is fortunate that Kirby steps in and saves the day when he got his Ninja ability, and defeats Yamikage by overpowering him. After his, Yamikage retreats, and is last seen running through the woods, promising revenge on both Kirby and Meta Knight. Strangly enough, he never comes back aftewards, so therefore he remains a mystery whether he is dead or alive. It is possible that he is never seen again. after Nightmare's death



Yamikage is very cunning, cocky, sarcastic and manipulative. He is also shown to have a strong grudge against Meta Knight and Kirby. In spite of his persistent feeling of resentment along with his traitorous actions against the Galaxy Soldier Army, he still seems to an honorable individual, saying that he does not steal from anyone, only agreeing to help King Dedede and Escargoon take back Benikage's report card that everyone mistook for a ninja scroll.

Physical Appearence[]

Yamikage is shaped like an upside-down egg with sunken red eyes and a scar on his left eye. He wears a black ninja suit and has a brown ponytail, and wears a kantana's shealth on his back. Yamikage also dons dark brown sandals and knuckle dusters to boot.

Powers and Abilities[]

Being a ninja, Yamikage is a skilled ninjutsu user. He is capable of using different kinds of jutsu powers, such as as throwing shurikens and kunai. He is also shown to be an excellenct katana user.



  • Yamikage's English voice actor, Eric Stuart also did the vocal sound effects of Heavy Anaconda.


          Kirby (2021 Nintendo HAL) Villains

Dedede EmblemKing Dedede's ArmyDedede Emblem
King Dedede | Meta-Knights (Meta Knight) | Waddle Dees | Waddle Doos | Escargoon | Poppy Bros. Jrs. | Blade Knights | Sword Knights | Mashers | Knuckle Joes | Wheelies | Mumbies | Whispy Woods | Lololo & Lalala | Kracko | Paint Roller | Mr. Shine & Mr. Bright | Heavy Mole | Sweet Stuff | Ice Dragon | Acro | Pon & Con | Poppy Bros. Sr. | Bonkers | Gigant Edge | Mr. Frosty | Bugzzy

Meta Knight LogoMeta-KnightsMeta Knight Logo
Meta Knight | Captain Vul | Axe Knight | Javelin Knight | Mace Knight | Trident Knight | Blade Knights | Sword Knights | Sailor Waddle Dee | Heavy Lobster

WhatsthedarkmatterDark MatterWhatsthedarkmatter
Zero | Dark Matter Blade | Dark Rimuru, Dark Rimura, and Dark Rimuro | Miracle Matter | Dark Mind | Dark Nebula | Master Crown | Dark Crafter | Void Termina

Dimension mirrorDark Mind's ArmyDimension mirror
Dark Mind | Dark Meta Knight | Waddle Dees | King Golem | Moley | Kracko | Mega Titan | Gobbler | Wiz | Master Hand | Crazy Hand | Shadow Dedede | Parallel Bosses (Parallel Nightmare) | Dark Taranza | King D-Mind

Daroach | Spinni | Storo | Doc | Squeakers

Yin-Yarn's Forces
Yin-Yarn | Yarn Waddle Dees | Fangora | Hot Wings | Squashini | Capamari

SkullyKirbySkull GangSkullyKirby
Necrodeus | Skullord | Skullseer | Skullys

Another Dimension
Galacta Knight | Magolor | Master Crown | Doomers (Sphere Doomers | Rampaging Doomers | Greater Doomer | Grand Doomer/Crowned Doomer) | Metal General | Electricky Dooter | Fiery Puffer | Hydriath | Parallel Bosses (Parallel Nightmare) | Corrupt Hyness | Waddle Dees

SectraSectra ClanSectra
Queen Sectonia | Taranza | Flowery Woods | Paintra | Kracko | Coily Rattler | Sectra Dees

HWCHaltmann Works CompanyHWC
President Haltmann | Susie Haltmann | Star Dream | Gigavolt | Clanky Woods | C.O.G.S. | Holo Defense API | Mecha Knight | Dedede Clone | Dark Matter Clone | Sectonia Clone | Haltworkers | Waddle Dees

Jamba LogoJambastion CultJamba Logo
Hyness | Void Termina | The Three Mage-Sisters (Francisca | Flamberge | Zan Partizanne) | Pon & Con | Jambelievers

Beast Pack
Fecto Elfilis | Leongar | Clawroline | Gorimondo | Sillydillo | King Dedede | Fleurina | Wild Edge | Wild Frosty | Wild Bonkers | Big Red Tortuilding | Awoofys

Lord Nightmare | Customer Service | Fatty Whale | Computer Virus | Chameleo Arm | Wham Bam Rock | Chef Kawasaki | Marx | Metroids | Drawcia | Mrs. Moley | Bohboh | Lady Ivy | Shadowbite | Freezy Rex | Great Gear | Mr. Dooter | Fatty Puffer | Goriath | Pyribbit | Claycia | Yggy Woods | Goldon & Silvox | Grand Mam | Morpho Knight | Tropic Woods

Novel Series
Mrs. Parfaitski | Woodkeeper | Wham Bam Gaia | Baron Gallic | Kizario | Director Kane | Moa | Tron | Pirika | Hugo | Beryl | Rokuemon

          Kirbyrightbackatyalogo2 Villains

King Dedede's Army
King Dedede | Escargoon | Captain Waddle Doo | Waddle Dees

Nightmare Enterprises
ENeMeE | NME Salesman | Zako Demon Beasts | Octacon | Blocky | Bugzzy | Kracko | Umiushii | Dedede Stone | Slice n' Splice | Popon | Urameshiya | Sasuke | Noddy | Honker Stomper | Pukey Flower | Ice Dragon | Susshi | Tornadon | Imohmushii | Yamikage | Drifter | WolfWrath | Lovely | Monsieur Goan | Galbo | Walky | Fire Lion | Cobgoblin | Broom King | Erasem | Masher | Fridgy | Gerath | Particle Ghost | Sharbon | Gabon | Domestic Servant Robot | Flame Feeder | Denjaa | Kung Fu Lee | Boxer Dyson | Figure Monster | Karate Kid | Old Taikyoku | Yankee Sekitori | Windwhipper | Togeira | Scarfy | Belly Buster | Teacher Creature | Garnie | Kirisakin | Max Flexer | Head Cold Monster | Masher 2.0 | MT2 | Delivery Man | Moggy | Squishy | Kirbysaurus | Doctor Moro | Dinosaur Army | Paint Roller | Escar-Droid | Bonkers | Red Viper | Trash Basher | SlicerDicer | Nekketsu | Mumbies | Ozone Hole Monster | Ebifryer | Maimaigon | Anige | Fang | Rip | Turbo | Wheelie | Fryclops | Chuckie | Whippy | Demon Frog | Heavy Anaconda | Destroya | Air Riders | Heavy Lobster | Lobzilla

Knuckle Joe | Amon | Kirby | Sirica | Pengi | Captain Kick | Lord James Coleet | Mosugaba | Crowmon
