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Villains Wiki

That is... the Kuchinawa Gang's bodyguard. Noshinura Yanako.
~ Shosuke Kakihara about Yanako Nishinoura.

Yanako Nishinoura is the second in command of the Kuchinawa Gang and the secondary antagonist of Mashin Sentai Kiramager Spin-Off: Yodonna.

She was played by Saori Izawa.



Yanako Nishinoura's past is unknown as it was never revealed but she was an assassin who had no qualms about murdering others with her signature weapon being a switchblade inside her shoe. When the Kuchinawa Gang was formed by the powerful businessman Hideki Kujirasaki, Yanako joined the organisation and quickly rose through the ranks to become his right-hand woman.

Mashin Sentai Kiramager Spin-Off: Yodonna[]

Shortly after the defeat of Yodonheim, Yanako is first seen with others members of the Kuchinara Gang when they meet with other mobsters to exchange illegal food but the clients refuse to pay the full amount for an inferior product as they have previously been let down by the Gang. As such, Yanako murders the leader and defeats three other members with her bare hands as her compatriots do the same. Later, Ichigo Daifuku and Macaron lure a customer to the back room of the Maid Cafe Haikyo with the promise of sex. Instead, the man is tied down to a table where Yanako cuts out his organs so they can be sold on via the black market before going after rookie detective Shosuke Kakihara with the plan to kill him as he has been gathering evidence against the Kuchinawa Gang. Due to facing opposition from Mizuki because of her being possessed by former Yodonheim general Yodonna, Hideki calls Yanako to demand answers but she reassures him that this is simply a minor setback. Later, after Zuo and the Haikyo employees are defeated, Yanako confronts Yodonna in Mizuki's body with the assassin proving an even match for the Yodonheim general until Mizuki begins to dance. A confused Yanako attacks only to be overwhelmed and knocked down by an upper-cut where she ends up being scarred by a kettle of boiling water. When Tetsu Enoshima arrives, he manages to coax the location of the phone out of Mizuki before Yanako tries to kill Mizuki. However, Tetsu stops her and reveals his criminal nature since killing Mizuki would prevent them from getting the phone. He then reveals that they have Shousuke hostage and tells her to bring them the phone before Yanako and Tetsu leave.

It is very likely that Yanako Nishinoura later receives life imprisonment for her actions and will spend the rest of her life behind bars. However, seeing as Japan has the death penalty, she could also face the gallows for her murders.


Yanako Nishinoura is a psychopathic assassin who initially showed very little emotion besides murderous rage and blank smugness. She is a woman is very few words, preferring to speak instead with her actions and typically only speaking when addressed by Hideki. Although the only emotion she typically displays is a smug confidence, Yanako did show some surprise at Mizuki/Yodonna's dancing. Since being scarred by Mizuki/Yodonna though, she has become far more openly angry and vengeful to the extent of only wanting them dead.

Skills and Abilities[]

  • Strength: Yanako has greater strength than the average human, overwhelming many full grown men with her bare hands and taking down Yanako just by rolling on her leg.
  • Endurance: Yanako shrugged off multiple punches and a slug from Yodonna but was bare faced.
  • Accuracy: Yanako was able to slice a man's throat by swinging her leg first try.
  • Skilled Fighter: Yanako is a skilled fighter who can easily overwhelm and kill multiple fully grown men and was even a match for Yodonna in battle.
  • Excellent Surgeon: Despite using a pneumatic drill, Yanako is clearly a skilled surgeon as she can remove her victim's organs in such a way that they can still be used by other people.


  • Fists: Even when using her bare hands, Yanako Nishinoura is an extremely skilled fighter who can cause significant destruction with her bare hands.
  • Knife Shoe: Yanako's signature weapon and preferred method of execution is a switch blade hidden in her right shoe which she could activate by stamping. She could use the switchblade to either kick and stab her enemies or slash them by swinging her leg.
  • Knife: Yanako also had a small knife concealed in her sock that she used against Yodonna.


Got it.
~ Yanako's first chronologically spoken words seen via flashback when Tetsu Enoshima informed her of the phone evidence.
It is fine, Boss. I will deal with it.
~ Yanako Nishinoura's first words on-screen when Hideki Kujirasaki called her for answers.
Not bad. I am the Kuchinawa Gang's bodyguard. Prepare to face Yanako Nishinoura.
~ Yanako when confronting Yodonna in Mizuki's body.
What are you doing? What is she up to? What? What is with her?
~ Yanako when Mizuki/Yodonna started to dance.
Yaaaaaaaaah! Enoshima, I am gonna kill her. Get out of the way.
~ Yanako after being scarred.


           MSK-Kiramager LogoVillains

Dark Empire Yodonheim
Emperor Yodon | Galza | Carantula | Yodonna | Shadon | Numajo | Minjo | Bechats
Jamenshi: Rugby Jamen | Vise Jamen | Neanderthal Jamen | Joystick Jamen | Digital Camera Jamen | Oven Jamen | Freezer Jamen | Hyakunin Isshu Jamen | Music Jamen | Reset Button Jamen | Meteorite Jamen | Steam Locomotive Jamen | Marshmallow Jamen | Whac-A-Mole Jamen | Sumikae Jamen | Glue Jamen | Fishing Rod Jamen | 3D Printer Jamen | Safe Jamen | Speaker Jamen | Bomb Jamen | Super Glue Jamen | Mannequin Jamen | Radio Jamen | Nazokake Jamen | Golf Jamen | Football Helmet Jamen | Tooth Decay Jamen | Wire Jamen | Maneki-neko Jamen | Movie Jamen | Night Pool Jamen | Karaoke All Jamen | Showcase Jamen
Jamen Beasts: Faucet Hildon | Rugger Ligany‏‎ | Vise Shellga | Paleolith Basra | Catcher Ligany | Cloud Hildon | Cold Hot Dagames | Heian-kyō Basra | Stage Shellga | Hassha Button Ligany | Haejigoku Shellga | Diesel Basra | Wanage Hildon | Hassha Ligany | Hammer Basra | House Loan Dagames | Glue Shellga | Motorboat Basra | Gold Bar Ligany | Jukebox Hildon | Super Glue Shellga | Projector Gomoryu | Torso Hildon | Pinch In Out Dagames | Tank Ligany | Shield Shellga | Sengoku Basra | Cart Hildon | Turntable Gomoryu | Kiba Basra | Jishiki Shellga | Cat Can Ligany
Darkness Megabeast Mechas: Smog Jouki

Director Minosaur

Beef Rib World | Great Beef Rib World

Kuchinawa Gang
Hideki Kujirasaki | Yanako Nishinoura | Zuo | Shimasa | Ichigo Daifuku | Macaron | Tetsu Enoshima

Monstone | Jaaku Monstone | Remudon | Datula | Mose | Hern | Dr. Iokall | Hanidora
