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Villain Overview

Yoshikage Kira: You can call me Yoshikage Kira. I'm currently thirty-three years old. Not that you'd care, but I reside in northeast Morioh's villa district. Also, I've yet to marry. In order to make a living, I work for Kame Yu department stores. After a long day's work, I return home no later than 8 PM. I don't like smoking, but do enjoy the occasional drink. I'm always in bed by 11 PM, and I make it a point to get no less than eight hours of sleep each night. Before bed, I drink a warm glass of milk, it's always coupled with twenty minutes of stretching to decompress from the long work day. Sweet dreams are the usual result of this. I then awake as refreshed and recharged as a newborn child, ready to take on the day's challenges, and after my last checkup I was given a clean bill of health.
Shigechi: What's the big idea, creeper? Why are you telling me this crap?!
Yoshikage Kira: For as long as I can remember I've done everything in my power to live a productive life that allows me to pursue a lasting inner peace. This may be a foreign concept, but I choose not to concern my self with winning or losing, life's troubles, or enemies who bring sleepless nights. That is how I cope with this backwards life we find ourselves living. It's what brings me happiness in a world fraught with hardship and misery. Of course, if I were ever to engage in combat, I would win the battle without question.
~ Yoshikage Kira's famous monologue.
I never lose myself in joy... and I never lose myself in despair. I culminate a serene disposition... That's part of my goal of living a quiet life.
~ Yoshikage Kira
Luck is finally on Yoshikage Kira's side!
~ Yoshikage Kira's catchphrase.

Yoshikage Kira, later known as Kosaku Kawajiri, is the main antagonist of the manga/anime series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part IV: Diamond Is Unbreakable and the main protagonist of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Dead Man's Questions.

He is a mysterious and dangerous serial killer who is obsessed with women's hands and who wants to live a quiet life in Morioh with no repercussions for his killings. He is the archenemy of Josuke Higashikata, Rohan Kishibe, and Hayato Kawajiri.

Kira wields the Stand known as Killer Queen, a powerful and dangerous Stand that can make anyone or anything into a bomb and can be triggered if touched by it. This completely vaporize anyone who has been touch by Killer Queen, which allows him to get away with his crimes.


In Japanese, he was voiced by Rikiya Koyama in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven and Toshiyuki Morikawa (whom also voiced Naraku from Inuyasha, Lord Boros from One Punch Man, Mard Geer Tartaros from Fairy Tail, Sephiroth from Final Fantasy, Griffith in the 1997 anime adaptation of Berserk, Bondrewd from Made in Abyss, Ri Boku from Kingdom, Shadow the Hedgehog in Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and previously Diavolo) in the 2016 anime adaptation and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R.

In English, he was voiced by D.C. Douglas (who also voiced Albert Wesker from Resident Evil, Azrael from BlazBlue, Suguru Kamoshida in Persona 5, Deathstroke in DC Superhero Girls, the Execution Division Master from Akudama Drive, Mald from The Rising of the Shield Hero, and Locus in the 2016 anime adaptation of Berserk) in the anime.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable[]

Yoshikage Kira as a child.

Yoshikage Kira was born on January 30, 1966. In his youth he was very gifted and good at many things but he always purposefully got third place in competitions, because he never liked to call attention. Furthermore, he grew am obsession with female hands derived from seeing the Mona Lisa as a child. When he grew up, he started collecting his own nails. Every time his nails grew very fast, he sensed an uncontrollable desire to kill women. This first started on August 13, 1983 when he was 17 years old he committed his first murders, brutally killing Reimi Sugimoto's parents and dog before brutally killing her by stabbing her in the back in cold blood. From then on, he strongly wanted to not leave any evidence from his crimes, at some point before Yoshikage turned 21, his father, Yoshihiro Kira gave him a Stand arrow that was given to him by Enya Geil and Dio Brando, that gave him his own Stand ability, this arrow triggered the appearance of his own Stand, Killer Queen. His Stand had the power of turning anything that it touches into a bomb, even a human. With his new power, Kira felt very comfortable, because now he could live a normal life without raising suspicion.

For years, Kira killed many women in Morioh Town, until one day he was carrying a hand from his last victim in a paper bag, which was accidentally exchanged by Shigekiyo "Shigechi" Yangu, who was also a Stand user. In an attempt to recover the bag, Shigechi discovered him and engaged in battle with him. Kira smartly defeated him by turning a coin into a bomb. While trying to run away, Shigechi collected a button from Kira's coat. Kira killed him, leaving no trace of him, but Jotaro Kujo and Josuke Higashikata found the button that Shigechi had collected, and started investigating. When Jotaro, along with Koichi Hirose, found him, he left his Bomb N° 2, Sheer Heart Attack, to take care of them. His bomb was an automated vehicle with a skull face that could track heat and was virtually invulnerable. Kira managed to defeated them, but was badly hurt, when Josuke and his friend Okuyasu found him and unmasked him. On his attempt to run, Kira took a man hostage, and using Aya Tsuji's power exchanged his face with the man, turning her into a bomb (that soon detonated, killing her), and with the man's identity.

Yoshikage Kira awakening to his new sub-Stand, Bites the Dust.

After managing to escape, Kira assumed the identity of the man he killed, Kosaku Kawajiri, and infiltrated his family in order to hide himself. But Hayato, son of the man he was impersonating, started suspecting him, and decided to investigate by himself. He managed to film one of Kira's murders, which left Kira desperate. During his desperation, he was pierced by the magic arrow that was in possession of his father Yoshihiro Kira (who happened to be a ghost in a photo). This arrow had the power to turn anyone into a Stand user, but on Kira it gave him a new power. He set his new bomb, Bites the Dust, into Hayato, so anyone that questioned him about Kira would explode instantly, causing a time loop that would end only if Kira dismissed the bomb. Hayato managed to outsmart Kira with some luck by giving a phone call to Josuke, making him wake up early and arrive when Hayato is confronting Kira, who reveals his true identity without noticing Josuke's presence.

Unable to hide anymore, Kira dismisses the bomb on Hayato to confront Josuke and Okuyasu. Because Hayato had brought Stray Cat with him (in an attempt to attack Kira by himself), Kira takes the cat-plant and puts it on a hollow compartment in Killer Queen's stomach, being able to combine Stray Cat's air bullets with Killer Queen's bombs, thus creating invisible air bombs. He easily beats Okuyasu and sets a bomb on him, forcing Hayato to set the bomb off so Josuke could heal them both and continue the fight. Even though the air bullets were invisible, Kira was able to calculate their trajectory by using mathematical calculations, forcing Josuke to retreat inside a house nearby. They soon find out Yoshihiro had been hiding inside Josuke's pocket and giving instructions to his son, so Josuke gives Kira a fake instruction, which ends killing Yoshihiro. Josuke finally defeats Kira by using his restoration ability on glass shards stained with his blood, which home in to Kira, who had also been stained with Josuke's blood.

Yoshikage Kira's demise, his head crushed under an ambulance's wheel.

Finally exposed, Kira is unwilling to accept defeat and attempts to activate Bites the Dust again. He soon finds himself in an alleyway, believing he has won, but the ghost of Reimi Sujimoto, his first victim, confronts him and reveals he's having delusions, as his attempt at escaping had been foiled by Koichi and Jotaro, after which he was accidentally run over by an ambulance. Reimi reveals her back wound to Kira, who finally recognizes her but wonders why she would reveal herself to him like that. He then notices he's on the Ghost Alley, a place in which you cannot look back, or your soul is dragged into the underworld. Thinking that maybe this is the peace he longed for, he attempts to make Reimi look back, but her dog Arnold (which had also been killed by Kira) bites his hand. As he falls and turns around, various ghost hands grab him and drag his soul into the underworld.

The spirits of Ghost Girl's Alley taking their revenge on Yoshikage Kira.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Dead Man's Questions[]


Yoshikage Kira in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Dead Man's Questions.

My name is Yoshikage Kira... I can't remember the reason why I died... but one thing I can say for certain is that I will not go to Heaven. What am I supposed to do from here? I don't have the answer for that. But if time continues forever, I may find some sort of happiness by making my "job" my "purpose" for living.
~ Yoshikage Kira in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Dead Man's Questions, showing his self-awareness of his nature and continuing his goal for a peaceful life.

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Dead Man's Questions, Kira takes on the role of protagonist. Turned into a amnesiac ghost following his demise, Kira only remembers his name, knows going to Heaven is out of the question for him, and still desires to live in peace. Working for a female monk, he assassinates targets for money, thinking it'll bring him happiness. One of his jobs includes assassinating a child-murderer, which he succeeds at. Later, he is sent to a dead soldier's mansion to find out why people died in the area, but he is forced to flee it when Cleansers, ghost killing monsters, attack him. Escaping the mansion with one arm missing, he goes out to study the information the monk gave, swearing to end her life if there's a mistake.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven[]

Both versions of Yoshikage Kira, side-by-side.

Kira appears as a minor antagonist in the game, where he fought the two Josukes in one chapter. In that chapter, he moved to the alternate counterpart of Morioh, where Jojolion takes place. He has the same goal of wanting to live a peaceful life but in another universe where no one like Josuke would interfere. Due to Heaven Ascension DIO interfering with reality and the timelines of the series cause two versions of Kira to appear, one is his original self and the other is Kosaku-Kira. Interestingly, they want to share their peaceful life with each other until they found out Josuke from their universe has come. After the defeat of the two Kira's, the two leave telling them that they are not after for the holy corpse parts since they don't care for it and just want to live their lives in peace.


A new ending for JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, where Yoshikage Kira is defeated much earlier and Kosaku remains alive.

The two Kira's return when being forced by Heaven Ascension Dio to get the holy corpse parts, much to their annoyance. They appear in the Green Dolphin Street Prison, after the fight with Yukako Yamagishi. They are not surprised to encounter Josuke again, seeing that they are looking for the remaining corpse parts. They admit that they don't see the point of fighting over a shriveled corpse and plan to hide until they left. After the fight, they leave again while leaving a threat towards the group. After the ending credits of the game, a new timeline was created where the villains are defeated and everyone that was affected by the villains are still alive and happy. In the case with Kira, it seems that he is defeated much early in part 4 with Kosaku Kawajiri still alive.

Jorge Joestar[]

Main article: Yoshikage Kira (Jorge Joestar)


Kira hands

Yoshikage Kira with one of his hands.

For me, it's not really about winning or losing. I want a peaceful life. It's just that it's in my nature to kill.
~ Yoshikage Kira

Yoshikage Kira's defining personality trait is his fetish for the female hand. This stems from an erotic fascination with the hands of the Mona Lisa as a child. Any woman unfortunate enough to fall victim to him will lose their hands in death, which are collected as "girlfriends".

Kira is very callous, calm, arrogant, deadly, and overconfident, rarely losing control of the situation. He demonstrates great cunning when handling obstacles and problems, a trait common in major characters of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series as a whole. He will kill anyone who gets in his way mercilessly, but compared to the other villains of the franchise, is among the more human antagonists. This is demonstrated when he (as an office worker) is frequently asked out by female coworkers that all have the potential of being his victims as he denies them more often than not (not out of actual respect for their lives, but selectivity for their hands). Kira finds his ability to eliminate victims and witnesses without a single trace as a source of arrogance, as he believes this, combined with his strategical thinking and "luck", make him an unstoppable killer.

Kira's status as a serial killer is supported by his inherent desire to not want to draw attention. This trait has been apparent since his youth, combining both his skill and this factor to always score third place in any competition without fail throughout his school years. A lifelong habit derived from this is the quiet biting of his nails to the point at which they start bleeding whenever he is under a lot of stress, not even wanting help from his parents in such a case, as they are not an exception to that wish. The result is his signature tagline, "Yoshikage Kira just wants to live a quiet life.".

Powers and Abilities[]

Killer Queen Stats

Killer Queen

Killer Queen[]

Killer Queen has an astonishing power. Any object that it touches becomes a explosive that rips its target asunder.
~ Yoshikage Kira about Killer Queen.

Kira has varied powers at his disposal, all of which are related to bombs.

First, his Stand, Killer Queen, can turn anything into a bomb (even people) by just touching it/them. Killer Queen may motion press an invisible button to detonate the last object it touched, leaving not a single trace (unless Kira wants it). The bombs also have a unique function, Killer Queen can activate said bomb with the detonation motion, exploding whatever is turned into the bomb, but it may also be activated by exploding whoever is touching whatever is the bomb, leaving the object that was a bomb, and killing who person who touched the bomb.

Sheer Heart Attack Stats

Sheer Heart Attack

Second Bomb: Sheer Heart Attack[]

Look over here!
~ Sheer Heart Attack's quote. Pronounced in japanese as "Kotchi o miro!"

His second power, the Bomb #2, is a miniature tank-like rover with a skull face and cat ears called Sheer Heart Attack deployed from Killer Queen's left hand that acts automatically, seeking any heat signature in the area and exploding on contact. This bomb is completely indestructible, and will explode as many times as needed, until Kira calls it back, with its only weakness being that whatever happens to it aside from direct damage affects Kira's left hand as a result, and it can be easily distracted with any object with a higher heat signature and attacking it instead of the intended target.

Bites The Dust Anime

Bites The Dust emerging from Heaven's Door's ability.

Third Bomb: Bites the Dust[]

Killer Queen's third bomb, BITES THE DUST!
~ Kira after Rohan activates Bites the Dust

After being pierced by the Arrow, Kira gained a third power, called Bites the Dust. He can set this bomb in any non-Stand user who knows his secret. If this person is interrogated about Kira, this miniature version of Killer Queen will enter the interrogator's eye, proceeding to explode the person immediately, with the added effect of distorting the flow of time, resetting the day by a rough estimate of an hour. Once the day is reset, regardless of the number of times, even if the person doesn't ask about Kira or is avoided for that purpose, they will still explode at the exact time as the first incarnation. Bites the Dust will also protect the person from anything, even from Kira. The flow of time will only return to normal if Kira dismisses the bomb or if Kira himself is killed. If Kira discovers the identity of the person affected by Bites the Dust they will die permanently, unless Kira dismisses the bomb or is killed before the exact time they die, like stated previously.



Street thug grabbing Kira's money from his wallet whilst it explodes, even though Sheer Heart Attack is on the loose

Despite popular belief, Killer Queen can place multiple bombs, he is only unable of placing multiple of the same bomb, this is shown as Killer Queen instinctively turned Kira's money into Bomb #1 (Regular) whilst Bomb #2 (Sheer Heart Attack) is on the loose fighting against Koichi and Jotaro.

Once Bites the Dust is placed, Kira can not use Killer Queen, Killer Queen's miniature figure is the actual Killer Queen, it's just shrunk and protecting whoever is the subject to Bites the Dust, so in order for Kira to use Killer Queen once again he has to dismiss the bomb.

Killer Queen is also capable of turning non-physical matter into bombs, as he used Stray Cat's ability of creating compressed air bubbles to his advantage, by having it shoot them out and transforming them into bombs to use against Josuke in their last battle against each other.

It is unknown whether or not if Killer Queen could create multiple Bomb #2 (Sheer Heart Attack) as in Jojolion (Part 8) alternate universe Kira's Killer Queen has the ability of creating multiple of them, he is even able to change them to a microscopic level, though it is unknown if Kira could create multiple as he never used it again after cutting his hand off to let Bomb #2 run rapid against Josuke.

Confirmed Victims[]

  • Reimi Sugimoto & Arnold - When Kira was 17, he stalked into Reimi's house and murdered Reimi and her dog Arnold with a knife.
  • 48 women - After he activated stand Killer Queen, he used them to kill women with beautiful hands and keep their hands as "girlfriends". Kill count is confirmed when he confessed it to a nurse.
  • Shigechi Yangu - When Shigechi witnessed the hand of Kira's victim by accident, Kira murdered Shigechi with The First Bomb.
  • A shoe store owner - When Jotaro and Koichi tried to investigate Kira with the button of his coat, Kira used Sheer Heart Attack to murder the shoe store owner Jotaro was talking with.
  • Aya Tsugi & Kosaku Kawajiri - Cornered by Josuke and managed to escape into the saron, Kira forced Aya to exchange his face with Kosaku before killing the two.
  • Minako and her boyfriend - After this unlucky couple made him angry on the train, he stalked into their house, blown off the couple with Killer Queen. (Minako's death is included in the 48 women)
  • A neighbor - A perverted neighbor tried to steal the underwear of a girl and accuse Kira as the thief. Kira turned the underwear into a bomb with Killer Queen, killing him once he grabbed the underwear.
  • Yoshihiro Kira (unintentionally, caused by Josuke) - Accidentally killed his father when misguided by Josuke on the phone.
  • Confirmed kill count: 57


You naughty girl.
~ Yoshikage Kira
You must die. I can't leave witnesses alive. Nobody can know the true identity of Yoshikage Kira.
~ Yoshikage Kira
Sorry, but Killer Queen has already left its mark on the doorknob.
~ Yoshikage Kira before killing Shigechi.
Behold the genius of my Killer Queen, all evidence of my true self has been destroyed.
~ Yoshikage Kira after killing Shigechi.
Why is Sheer Heart Attack taking so long?
~ Yoshikage Kira
There has never been any problem that I, Yoshikage Kira, was unable to overcome!
~ Yoshikage Kira
Killer Queen has already entered your pupil, Rohan Kishibe! No, you're not seeing things. Killer Queen's Third Bomb has already been activated! Your time has come!
~ Yoshikage Kira before killing Rohan Kishibe with Bites the Dust.
Bites the Dust was made from my absolute desire not to encounter you. Bring it on!
~ Yoshikage Kira
When I was a young boy... I remembered discovering Leonardo da Vinci's enigmatic Mona Lisa while leafing through a tone of the master's works! It was the first time laying eyes on her... the beauty before me... well, it... aroused something inside me. It gave me a rock-hard cock. I cut off her hands and proudly displayed the treasures in my room... now I lust to sever your treasures!
~ Yoshikage Kira to an innocent female bystander, and also explaining why he has his fascination with female hands.
Oh God, no! Where are they going to take me?! Say something, please! I have to know why they're taking me! What are they going to do?! Reimi!
~ Yoshikage Kira's last words.
My, what a beautiful blue sky... Where should I rest tonight?
~ Yoshikage Kira at the end of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Dead Man's Questions.

Audio Samples[]

Sound Files
File Description
Killer Queen's Bomb Activation Click
Bites the Dust Time Reversal
Killer Queen's stand cry (SHIBOBOBOBO!)
Killer (Yoshikage Kira's theme)
Another face Same mind (Kosaku Kawajiri's theme)
First Bomb (Killer Queen's theme)
Second Bomb (Sheer Heart Attack's theme)
Third Bomb (Bites the Dust's theme)


  • Yoshikage Kira's design is based on the famous British musician David Bowie.
  • Kira's first name means "star shadow" and last name means "Killer" in Japanese.
  • Kira's stand, Killer Queen, is named after the 1974 song of the same name by the iconic British rock band Queen. Additionally, Kira's second power Sheer Heart Attack is named after Queen's third studio album of the same name, which featured said song as its first single. His third power Bites the Dust is directly named after the popular Queen song Another One Bites the Dust.
  • Among all the main antagonists in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Yoshikage Kira is the only main antagonist who is not the leader of any antagonist group or organization. He also has the least number of subordinates/allies, amounting up to two (Yoshihiro Kira, Stray Cat).
    • Considering that Yoshihiro Kira's death was accidental, Yoshikage Kira is also the only JoJo main antagonist that didn't kill one of his subordinates/allies for no real reason.
  • Araki stated that the idea of a villain like Yoshikage Kira that doesn't want to show his power and rule over the world, but instead just go unnoticed, came from Hol Horse.
  • Originally, Araki planned to have Yoshikage Kira's backstory to involve his mother abusing him as a child while his father ignored said abuse, although this wasn't included to make the story more suitable for younger audiences and to not make Yoshikage Kira sympathetic.
    • Despite that, this would explain why Yoshihiro has become protective of his son and why Yoshikage did not seem to care about his father's death from Josuke.
  • The story of how Yoshikage Kira killed Reimi Sugimoto seems to be based on the famous "Humans Can Lick Too" short story.
  • Yoshikage Kira taking the identity of Kosaku Kawajiri and the resulting rivalry between him and Hayato was inspired by The Father-thing.
Araki's Top Ten Favourite Characters (2000)
  • In the 2000s, Yoshikage Kira was listed as Araki's second favorite character, only being beaten by Josuke Higashikata. This is due to the fact that Araki has stated that he relates to Kira as a character and felt bad for how he disposed of him, which would lead to the creation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Dead Man's Questions and his alternate counterpart being significantly more heroic.
  • In the English dub, Kira's stand is called Deadly Queen.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure memes are particularly popular among Turkish fans due to the anonymous and amateur Turkish dubbing of the series made on the internet. Among the most popular ones is Yoshigake Kira's monolouge in Turkish as "33 Yıllar Eskisiyim", which is full of translation errors. Another is Dio's "Road Roller Da!" in Turkish as "YOL SİLİNDİRİ!"

External Links[]


           JoJo's Bizarre AdventureTitle Villains
Phantom Blood Logo

Dio Brando
Wang Chan | Jack the Ripper | Bruford | Tarkus
Dario Brando

Battle Tendency Logo

Pillar Men
Kars | Wamuu | Esidisi | Santana
New York Police Officers | Brass Knuckle Gangster | Rudol von Stroheim | Donovan

Stardust Crusaders Logo

Agents of DIO
DIO | Enya Geil
Tarot Stand Users
Gray Fly | Impostor Captain Tennille | Forever | Devo | Rubber Soul | Hol Horse | J. Geil | Nena | ZZ | Steely Dan | Arabia Fats | Mannish Boy | Cameo | Midler
Egypt 9 Glory Gods
N'Doul | Oingo | Boingo | Anubis | Mariah | Alessi | Daniel J. D'Arby | Pet Shop | Terence T. D'Arby
Kenny G. | Vanilla Ice | Nukesaku

Diamond is Unbreakable Logo

Agents of DIO
Mansaku Nijimura | Enya Geil
Morioh's Stand Users
Activated by Keicho's arrow
Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri | Keicho Nijimura | Akira Otoishi | Tamami Kobayashi | Toshikazu Hazamada | Yukako Yamagishi | Rohan Kishibe | Bug-Eaten
Activated by Yoshihiro's arrow
Yoshikage Kira | Yoshihiro Kira | Ken Oyanagi | Yuya Fungami | Stray Cat | Toyohiro Kanedaichi | Terunosuke Miyamoto | Cheap Trick

Vento Aureo Logo

Diavolo | Vinegar Doppio
La Squadra Esecuzioni
Risotto Nero | Formaggio | Illuso | Prosciutto | Pesci | Melone | Ghiaccio | Sorbet and Gelato
Unità Speciale
Squalo and Tiziano | Carne | Cioccolata | Secco
"Leaky Eye" Luca | Polpo | Mario Zucchero | Sale

Stone Ocean Logo

Agents of Pucci
Enrico Pucci | Johngalli A. | Thunder McQueen | Foo Fighters | Miraschon | Lang Rangler | Sports Maxx | Viviano Westwood | Kenzou | D an G | Guccio | Miuccia Miuller | Ungalo | Rikiel | Donatello Versus
DIO | Corrupt Lawyer | Gwess | Wes Bluemarine | Racist Detective

Steel Ball Run Logo

Valentine's Subordinates
Funny Valentine | Diego Brando | Oyecomova | Pork Pie Hat Kid | Dr. Ferdinand | Ringo Roadagain | Blackmore | Sandman | Eleven Men | Scarlet Valentine | Mike O. | Wekapipo | Magent Magent | Axl RO | D-I-S-C-O | Alternate World Diego
Mrs. Robinson | Boomboom Family (Andre Boomboom | L. A. Boomboom | Benjamin Boomboom) | Dario Brando | Soldier | Abusive Husband

JoJolion Logo

Locacaca Organization
Damokan Group
Tamaki Damo | Jobin Higashikata | Yotsuyu Yagiyama | Aisho Dainenjiyama | A. Phex Brothers
TG University Hospital
Tooru | Satoru Akefu | Poor Tom | Wu Tomoki | Urban Guerilla
Rock Organisms
Dolomite | Doremifasolati Do | Dododo De Dadada | Obladi Oblada | Radio Gaga
Ojiro Sasame | Kaato Higashikata | Zaihei Nigatake | Milagro Man's Stand User


HOWLER Company
Acca Howler | Bobby Jean | Lulu | Laem Chabang | Ningbo | Key West
Jodio's Group
Jodio Joestar | Dragona Joestar | Paco Lovelantes | Usagi Aloha'oe | Meryl May Qi
Hawaiian Police Officer | Wild Cat Size | Dragona's Bully | Yokohama


Rohan Kishibe | The Vagrant | Naoko Osato | Mutsu-kabe Hill Yokai | Ikkyu | Gods of the Mountain | Under the Moon | Moon Rabbit | Yoma Hashimoto | Yabubako-Hoshi | Eve | Eco-Terrorist


B.T. | Police Officer | Kuroyama and Akagawa | Date | The Leader | The Major | Manabu | Manabu's Family | Outlaw Guys


Edvard Noriega | Funnier Valentine | The Funniest Valentine | Antonio Torres | Maria Torres | Alejandro Torres | Javier Cortes | William Cardinal | Dio Brando | Diavolo | Yoshikage Kira

Miscellaneous Spin-Offs & Novels
Old Man Stand User | Agents of DIO (Absalom | Michal | Scribe Ani | Dija Maker | Petsounds) | Child Killer | Rigatoni | Sogliola Lopez | Takuma Hasumi | Teruhiko Futaba | Hanae Orikasa | Sezione Droghe (Vittorio Cataldi | Angelica Attanasio | Vladimir Kocaqi | Massimo Volpe) | Prisoner 27 | Heaven Ascension DIO | Scatola | Koji Kiyohara | Kazuki Karaiya | Fabio Ubuh | Izahela Mena-Mena | Dos Santos | Écue-Yamba-O's Stand User | Fernando Alhorn
