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Villains Wiki

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Villain Overview

You are a tool. And not just you....Every living beings in this world are my tools. Is that clear, Zamza?
~ Zaboera to his son, Zamza.
What?! Half-dead?! No, no. We can't have that. (Nova: A spell?! Watch out!) We can't have that. We can't have that at all!
~ Zaboera kill all of his minions to create his own hyperzombie.
The hyperdemon form is terrifyingly strong, but you use up your life energy! It's one thing to help transform other, but I wouldn't want to do it on myself! My ideal solution! To leave my body intact but use the bodies of others as I wish...That kind of ability that is this!
~ Zaboera describing his hyperzombie.

Zaboera is a major villain in the Dragon Quest spin-off manga Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai. He is the commander of the Mystic Legion of the Dark Army led by Hadlar, to destroy the world in Vearn's name. Smarmy, vicious and despised by all, he seeks personal glory above all else.

In Japanese, he was voiced by Naoki Tatsuta in the 1991 anime and Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai - Stand Up!! Avan's Disciples and Mitsuo Iwata in the 2020 anime. In English, he was voiced by Lee Tockar (who also voiced Galdandy) in the 2020 anime.


Zaboera. I may not be smart, but I have learned one thing from you. And that's... in this world, some people are truly beyond all hope!
~ Crocodine's final words to Zaboera before finally ending his life.

Zaboera is far and away the worst, most despicable, villain of the entire series, disgusting even the others who are themselves really nasty pieces of work. He is horribly cruel, uncaring, vicious and gleefully sadistic, delighting in the torment he inflicts on his enemies and seeing his own son Zamza as nothing more than a tool to use and discard at his leisure.

He is very intelligent and clever, knowing full well how to prepare back-up plans and sacrifice his men as decoys to escape, to exploit his targets' weak points, manipulating people by skillfully playing on their emotions and predicting their moves. Nonetheless, despite his smarts, he is exceedingly arrogant, smug and smarmy, boasting endlessly and dismissing everyone as inferiors he revels in lording over.

He is way too confident in his intellect, thoroughly unable to conceive having an equal or that someone he dismissed as hopeless could see through his ruses, which of course comes to bite him. Zaboera is a self-serving, self-aggrandizing, power-hungry wretch, ready for the worst to rise in influence in the Dark Army, playing sycophant to the ones in charges and backstabbing anyone as soon as it gets convenient to curry favors.

Worse, he is a craven coward who flees at the first glimpse of danger, and never fights fairly. He uses dirty tricks, ambushes and sneak attacks to deal with his enemies without fight. As a result, Crocodine, Hyunckel and even Mystvearn cannot stand him. Vearn most likely tolerated his presence due to his high magical skill and expertise that proved valuable to his plans.

To top it off, Zaboera is extremely selfish and ruthless, using his minions as a meat-shield so that he can use their corpses to create the Superior Zombie, his best weapon.

Powers and Abilities[]

Zaboera is a highly powerful and skilled wizard, who (initially) surpassed Hadlar's enormous mastery of magic, (each Captain surpassing Hadlar in their own speciality). He masters a wide array of spells for all intent and purpose, and even spells unique to him, like Superkill (Thwack in the games) that exposes the victim to the pleas of the dead draining their life-force until death; Hexcitation that absorbs all identical spells cast at him to fire the same spell with all their powers; an unnamed lightning lasso paralysing targets; and an unnammed volley of purple spheres finishing off weakened targets and levitating their corpses.

Though his dwarfish stature, great age and above all cowardly nature makes his fighting skills practically nonexistent, he masters the highest variation of every common battle spell (save from the very mightiest ones). Worse, his claws can secrete all sorts of venoms, to paralyse, cripple, brainwash, or kill his foes, the worst condemning them to a slow and painful demise or killing their mind while leaving their bodies alive for him to control.

He masters magic tools as well, and is a considerably skilled scientist who can develop new forms of magics and creatures. His most formidable creation is the Superior Being, an extremely powerful chimera mixing all sorts of monsters, that can regenerate pretty much indefinitely.


Zaboera's Superior Zombie.

Zaboera also experimented to build a Zombie variation of the Superior Being from corpses, creating an organic battle-suit of sort he can enter, to gain the extreme speed, strength, durability and regeneration of the Superior Being without becoming one (the mutation being irreversible), and exiting it when he no longer needs.

In the Superior Zombie, he can no longer cast spells, but the creature is immune to each and every weapon, aura blast and spell, save from the absolute mightiest and divine power. It can also protrude giant blades from his wrists for additional offense.


Zaboera first appeared when he easily broke through the barrier created by Avan's purification spell Resister on the Dermline Island to kidnap Brass, the adoptive grandfather of Dai, to brainwash him and use him as a weapon against Dai as the young hero is fighting Crocodine.

Zaboera then convinced Crocodine to abandon his pride and play dirty, to which he grudgingly agreed for the sake of victory. He then watched Crocodine's battle against Avan's pupils Dai, Popp and Marm via a Heyedra, a sentient eye-monster that can transmit what it sees through a crystal ball. However, Zaboera's plan ended in failure, as Popp was able to return Brass back to normal by casting Resister.

Dai's Dragon Crest (the source of his hidden power) then awoke, defeating Crocodine while creating enough light to destroy the Heyedra and stun Zaboera with the backlash. Zaboera later met Hyunckel, and suggested to brainwash Marm who was held captive so as to make her Hyunckel's sex slave, but a disgusted Hyunckel answered by beating him up, causing him to leave in anger.

Zaboera, together with Flazzard, Mystvearn and Hadlar, later took part in the battle of Baruji Island, where he tried to kill the old knight Baduck with a Death Spell. He would fail when one of his mages was sent flying towards him, thus saving Baduck. Later, after narrowly escaping from being crushed by Flazzard's Tower of Fire's debris, Zaboera used an illusion to trick Crocodine into killing Zaboera's minion instead of him.

Zaboera Star

Zaboera in Quest For the Star.

After Dai's battle with Baran, Zaboera ambushed the heroes with Hadlar when they were sleeping, releasing a sleeping gas to neutralize them and shape-shifting as Marm (who travelled away) to catch Pop off-guard using his crush on her and paralysise him with a special venom. However, the Great Archmage Matoriv appeared and cut off Zaboera's hand. Zaboera tried to flee but Hadlar ordered him to help him in his spell battle against Matoriv. As they were close in killing Matoriv, Dai woke up and blasted them away with a spell. Zaboera tried to abandon Hadlar, who caught him and forced him to make him stronger.

Soon, Zaboera and his son Zamza begun the experiments to create the Superior Being. Under Zaboera's orders, Zamza shape-shifted as a human and organised a tournament in the Kingdom of Romos, to lure and abduct powerful warriors for their experiments. Zamza transformed to a prototype of Superior Being to fight Dai and his friends. Zamza was ultimately killed, but could sent the collected battle data to Zaboera, who showed no sadness about it, gladly using his data to successfully transform Hadlar into a full-fledged Superior Being.

After Hadlar demonstrated his newfound might by defeating Dai, who got lost at sea, Zaboera, angry about not being mentioned by Hadlar, decided to kill the heroes to earn Vearn's praise. He appeared on the sea near the Field of Death, attacking Popp and Crocodine, who were carrying an injured Dai back to their base. Hadlar acknowledged this and ordered Hym, Pawn of the Orichalcos Guard to stop Zaboera from killing them, Hadlar then ordered to have Zaboera imprisoned.

However, Hadlar did not know that Vearn put a Black Core, a magical bomb that is as powerful as a nuke put inside his body. This later exploded and damaged Zaboera's cell, freeing him. He would later neutralize a rebelling Hadlar, right before he could kill a weakened Vearn for using him as a weapon to discard. Vearn prepared to execute Hadlard, but Block, Rook of the Orichalcos Guard sacrificed himself to save Hadlar and his other minions. 

Later, Crocodine and Hyunckel were captured by the Demon Army, to be executed by Mystvearn, seconded by Zaboera who has been named commander as a reward for saving Vearn. However, the execution was in reality a trap to lure the heroes out. Eventually, Hyunckel broke free and freed Crocodine, and together, they then fought Mystvearn and Zaboera's hordes of very powerful monsters from the Demon World. Zaboera, spent the battle cowardly hiding behind Mystvearn, and after the heroes' victory tried to abandon Myst and flee, pretexting to go protect Vearn's Palace.

But Myst saw right through his transparent attempt and began to laugh at him, as he was amused from how he's finally reaping what he has sowed; since for the first time Zaboera is being abandoned and used his superiors. He ordered to hold his own by himself instead of behind stepping stones and warned him to produce some results before returning to the palace otherwise he would be executed.

Hyper Zombie (A Hero's Bond)

Zaboera's Superior Zombie in A Hero's Bonds

Zaboera was surrounded and seemingly overwhelmed, but all of a sudden he cast magic spheres to finish off his hundreds of minions who are almost wounded and dying, combining their corpses all around him into the monstrous Superior Zombie. Zaboera boasted that his monsters were but convenient attack dogs, meat shields and material, much to the heroes' disgust.

At first, Zaboera had the upper-hand with the Superior Zombie's might and invulnerability. However, the extremely powerful Demon Blacksmith Lon Berk, who sided with the heroes despite being a demon, summoned two twin swords he forged himself called the Star Emperor Swords. With them, he unleashed his mightiest sword technique, the Star Emperor Cross Slash, slicing the Superior Zombie apart at the cost of wounding his arms so grievously they would take two hundred years to heal.

Severely wounded and deprived of all his magic power, Zaboera tried to crawl away, only to be caught by Crocodine, who knew him well enough to deduce he had no option left, otherwise he would have boasted and escaped. Zaboera pretended to surrender to Crocodine, pleading grovelling like a worm, while planning to use his venoms to brainwash him after catching him off-guard. Fortunately, Crocodine had since long wisened up about the Mystic Bishop's dirty tricks and was fully aware that he prepared something.

He only feigned to lend him a hand, instead pointing at his axe which he dropped on Zaboera's arms to immobilize him before killing him for good with an aura blast, deaf to his pathetic pleas for mercy and thanking him for teaching him the tragic truth: "that some people are truly beyond all hope". Zaboera's corpse quickly dissolved, finally ending his wretched vile existence.

External Links[]


           DQ Dai english logo Villains

The Dark Army
Vearn | Mystvearn | Killvearn | Hadlar | Crocodine | Hyunckel | Flazzard | Baran | Zaboera | Zamza | Maximum | Goroa

The Dragon Masters
Galdandy | Borahorn | Larhalt

The Royal Elite Guard
Hym | Sigma | Albinass | Fenbren | Block

Velzar | Varon and Temjin | Fake Heroes
