Zarigan is is a crayfish-themed kaiju created by the Daruga Imperial Army and an antagonist in episode 41 of Genseishin Justirisers.
Zarigan was created at Commander Adorocs's direction from fusing hundreds of crayfish together. It was sent to rampage through a city, resulting in the JSDF showing up to stop it. It managed to hold its own against the JSDF, but soon dissolved due to the presence of a turtle in its body. After the turtle was removed, Adorocs had Zarigan recreated and sent out to rampage again following Armyul's defeat. In response, Justiriser Shirogane summoned Justi Kaizer and piloted it to battle the crayfish kaiju. Shirogane defeated Zarigan with Justi Kaizer, resulting in it breaking back up into a bunch of individual crayfish.