Zeoria is a wind-themed member of Future Space Pirate Fleet Neo Descal and an antagonist in episode 20 of Chousei Kantai Sazer-X.
Zeoria went with Grouza, Aqual, Cyclead and a squad of Deathmeid to the prisoner exchange where Neo Descal had agreed to trade a captured Sojiro for Blaird. However, Grouza had secretly blackmailed Kane by threatening the destruction of his home planet and ordered him to shoot one of the members of Sazer-X. After Sazer-X gave Blaird over to Neo-Descal, Kane debated which one of his teammates before ultimately deciding to shoot Grouza instead, refusing to be blackmailed into betraying his teammates. Zeoria then led the Deathmeid to attack Sazer-X while an injured Grouza retreated with the Three Shoguns. After becoming Beetle-Sazer, a furious Kane destroyed Zeoria with a Beetle Slash.