Child Plankton's evil laugh.
Plankton as he appears in The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water.
Plankton thrown away by Mr. Krabs on a paper plate.
Seeing Plankton controlling the baby from the inside.
"I can't believe this is working! It's like taking candy from a baby-with a baby."
"Stop patronizing me! Why does every single plan fall apart? It's just a stupid sandwich! I tell you, it's wearing me down!"
"Oh no! Did somebody call the health inspector?"
Plankton as Mr. Plankton, boss of the Krusty Krab in an alternate reality.
Plankton broken apart into pieces.
"Finally, THEY'RE HERE!!"
"What army you say, Krabs?"
"GRASS?!!" (Maniacal laugh).
Plankton and his cousins charging into the Krusty Krab.
Plankton screaming out of the Krusty Krab.
Sorry, Mr. Plankton. I'm closing down your restaurant.
My Restaurant is closed FOREVER??!!! (And uh, Not to mentioned), IT'S GOING TO BE DEMOLISHED TO THE GROUND?!!!!
"I Lost my restaurant because of you and I thought, I WAS EVIL!!!"
Ughh, I hate that Crab so much.
(SpongeBob) Order up 2 Deluxe Krabby Patties At Last
Plankton in Krabs a la Mode.
Eww a Spider in me Restaurant? Gross.
Plankton in Krabs a la Mode
Another example of one of Plankton's evil laugh.
Now, I've been waiting for 20 years to have the amount of customers Krabs sees every day! And I won't let that be ruined because the show's "boring," or the food's "inedible." So sit down, enjoy the show, and BUY SOME CHUM!!!
Another example of one of Plankton's defeat, squished alive by one of the bathers of the Goo Lagoon.
Krabs is being interviewed by Perch Perkins and I never even had one
Plankton’s first
raging breakdown as he starts ragefully getting annoyed of Mr. Krabs always getting customers.
Karen interacts with Plankton.
Karen my computer wife, if only if had manage to steal the secret Krabs success.”
“The formula for the Krabby Patty.” Plankton’s thought of getting the formula.
“Then people would line up to eat at my restaurant.”
Plankton in his filling cabinet.
"Yeah A to Y, you know the alphabet."
Karen infers Plankton about the Plan Z file.
“Plan Z! Here it is just like you said.”
“So enjoy today Mr. Krabs, because by tomorrow I’ll have the formula”
Plankton exaggerated to his upcoming plan.
Plankton shouting out his upcoming reign quote once he takes over the world after stealing the formula.
Plankton plotting his plan to steal King Neptune’s crown.
Plankton sneaks into the window, while the knights are unaware he is breaking into the castle.
Plankton hiding by a knight’s boot so he will not be caught.
Plankton sneakily chuckles once he is accomplished to steal the crown.
Plankton calling Mr. Krabs and pretending he is a guy named Clay in order to frame him.
Plankton enters the Krusty Krab.
Plankton dumbfounding asking Frozen Mr. Krabs the formula.
Plankton stealing the formula making Mr. Krabs blue.
“Over at the
Chum Bucket.” Plankton’s final words to Mr. Krabs by abandoning him to be fried by Neptune in 6 days.
Plankton getting several customers in the Chum Bucket and also being interviewed by Perch Perkins.
Plankton’s fraudulent sadness when he is pretending to be despaired from King Neptune freezing Mr. Krabs.
Plankton offering Chum Bucket Helmets for free.
Plankton looking at his stubby tiny finger prints, after Karen has rumored that King Neptune might notice he stole his crown.
He’s A VICTiOUS COLD BLOODED PREDATOR”. Plankton’s terrified glare when he has hired Dennis to exterminate SpongeBob and Patrick.
Plankton sees Squidward has entered the Chum Bucket.
Plankton offers Squidward for a Chum Bucket Helmet.
Plankton looks at his stubby tiny fingers again.
Plankton about to press the red button on Karen to control the chum bucket helmets as his henchmen to prevent Squidward from reporting him to Neptune.
"Seize him slaves!" Plantkon's evil stare and
orders his slaves to capture Squidward.
Plankton rules over the Bikini Bottom.
Plankton looks up the calendar.
“It should say the day that Krabs fries” - Plankton’s sinister grin.
Plankton glad King Neptune has arrived.
Plankton excited to see Neptune execute Mr. Krabs.
Plankton sarcastically clapping to see that SpongeBob and Patrick has arrived.
SpongeBob and his friends confront Plankton as SpongeBob taunts Plankton, sarcastically saying sorry that he rained on his parade (implying that his plan to get Mr Krabs killed failed).
Plankton’s wrathful smirk, while he is going to brainwash Neptune.
Plankton hits the button to brainwash Neptune.
Plankton screaming after being blasted off by SpongeBob's singing.
Plankton putting on his headset, no longer fooling around as he now seriously just wants SpongeBob done for already.
Plankton ordering his slaves to attack SpongeBob.
Plankton watches SpongeBob rise up.
Plankton commands Neptune.
Plankton realizes that King Neptune’s Chum Bucket Helmet has been vanished, while shocked when he finds out about the crown theft.
Plankton foolishly begs the Bikini Bottom Citizens from thinking that he's just kidding
Plankton’s introduction in Sponge Out of Water.
Plankton gets vacuumed by SpongeBob.
Plankton drives his plane.
Plankton sees potatoes heading towards him.
Plankton planning his scheme to steal the formula.
Plankton doesn’t seen any money in his wallet.
Mr. Krabs mocks Plankton.
Plankton revealed to be hiding in the penny, while using a robot version of him.
Plankton's third evil grin.
Plankton writes a note for a decoy formula.
Plankton slides the other formula.
Plankton mistakenly drops the bottle.
Plankton fighting with SpongeBob.
Plankton and SpongeBob shocked to see the formula disappeared.
“I don’t know, it just disappeared”
Plankton tied up in tape.
Plankton tortured by SpongeBob’s annoyance.
Plankton getting confronted by
Mr. Krabs and all the Bikini Bottom citizens.
Plankton gets confronted.
Plankton about to get stepped on by
Mr. KrabsPlankton and SpongeBob in the bubble.
Plankton's second evil laughter.
Plankton in SpongeBob’s nightmare in torture when he foolishly thought the formula was in his brain.
Plankton’s eye reflecting a rainbow in shock when a rainbow refers him as daddy.
Plankton about to get sucked into Patrick’s belly button.
Plankton builds the Time Machine.
Plankton and SpongeBob got the formula.
Plankton angrily blames SpongeBob for retrieving the wrong formula.
Plankton hides by a rock, about to foreshadow his anti-heroic nature.
Plankton in SpongeBob’s sock.
Plankton writes on the paper.
Plankton as his superhero form "Plank-Ton" lifting up Burger-Beard's ship and restaurant.
”Come out. Come out where ever
you are”
Plankton gets his eye spicy.
Plankton helps SpongeBob.
Plank-Ton alongside SpongeBob and the rest of his superhero team.
Plankton returning to villainy.
Plankton’s anti-villainous defeat (2nd film) as he is getting chased by Gary for using himself as a robot.
Plankton spying on the Krusty Krab.
Plankton working on his inventions.
Plankton outraged when
Karen allows Otto to enter the Chum Bucket.
Plankton's third evil laughter.
Plankton sliced into pieces in the oil.
Plankton laughing when he looks on the poster to bring a snail to
King Poseidon, foreshadowing his third evil plan in the trilogy.
Plankton preparing to kidnap Gary.
Plankton shocked that Mr. Krabs felt heartbroken.
Plankton prepare to join the trio (possibly due to his anti-heroic personality in the second film).
Plankton performing on the audience.
Plankton singing with the others.
Plankton grins at Poseidon's guards.
Plankton with the others surrounded by Poseidon’s guards.
Plankton with his pet snail.
Plankton’s second rehabilitation, as he lives a perfect life with Otto and both got pet snails.
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (3 10) Movie CLIP - Plankton's Plan Z (2004) HD
Plankton hatching his final evil plan.
I'm a Goofy Goober - The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (10 10) Movie CLIP (2004) HD
Plankton’s defeat in the first Spongebob movie.
Every Plankton Fail Ever! - 40 Minute Compilation - SpongeBob
"Operation" Plankton - Every Time Plankton Had a Body Part Removed - SpongeBob
Plankton and Karen's Most Toxic Relationship Moments! 😡 - SpongeBob
Plankton and Karen's Relationship Timeline 🤖💖 - SpongeBob SquarePants
Plankton's ANGRIEST Moments 😡🤯 - SpongeBob
Plankton Becomes a Father! 🤖 - Karen's Baby - SpongeBob
Plankton Ruins His Date with Karen 💔📺 Full Scene 'Lockdown For Love' - SpongeBob
Plankton Teams Up with Man-Ray! 👁 - "Captain Pipsqueak" Full Scene - SpongeBob