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Villains Wiki

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Villain Overview

Father always spoiled you rotten, you little brat!
~ Cooler about Frieza.
Ha! So this is the mighty Super Saiyan that defeated my brother. How ridiculous. Frieza deserved to die if he got beat by a weakling like you. I AM THE SUPREME MASTER OF THIS UNIVERSE! I AM THE GREAT DESTROYER, THE TAKER OF LIFE! IT IS MY WILL THAT THIS PLANET AND EVERYONE ON IT BE ANNIHILATED!
~ Cooler before attempting to destroy Earth.
Yes, by all accounts, I should in fact be dead. Incinerated in the fires of your Sun. But fate, it would seem, has saw fit that I have a second chance and thanks to the power of the Big Gete Star, I have been reborn stronger and sleeker. New and improved, as you might say.
~ Meta-Cooler's most famous quote.

Cooler is the titular main antagonist of the 1991 film Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge and its 1992 sequel Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler. He is the eldest son of King Cold, the older brother of Frieza and the leader of the elite Cooler Force who travels to Earth to seek revenge against Goku for ruining his family’s honor.

He was voiced by Ryūsei Nakao (who also voiced his brother in the same series, Caesar Clown in One Piece and Mayuri Kurotsuchi in Bleach) in Japanese and Andrew Chandler in English.


You're as twisted inside as your brother, full of hatred. Well, no more! You've dug your own grave.
~ Goku appropriately stating that Cooler is just as evil as Frieza was.

Cooler's personality is quite similar to that of his younger brother and his father, though with a few noticeable differences. Like Frieza, Cooler handles problems in an intellectual and serious manner though unlike his brother, Cooler is far more mature and pragmatic almost never being consumed by his ego and is less likely to underestimate his opponents, as seen when he acknowledged that Goku was still alive despite taking a direct hit from his attack, and thus ordered his subordinates to search for and kill him even when they had demolished a large portion of the surrounding environment with continuous barrages of energy blasts, he still insisted that they continued their pursuit. He also prefers to attack his opponents with full force and does not toy with them in the slightest but he will still make his victims suffer albeit quickly like when he brutally battered and beat Goku during their first battle.

Cooler is also apparently more positively inclined and respectful towards his subordinates than his brother and father, as he has never once been seen abusing, ridiculing, executing them or anything of the sort, and even offer to take on opponents whom outmatch them personally, which likely contributes to their undivided loyalty and respect to him.

Despite these seemingly honorable qualities, Cooler is ultimately just like the rest of his family, a ruthless killer, even by his own admission. He relishes in the agony and despair of his opponents like his brother does, he is fully capable of attacking children, ambushing enemies from behind, and inflicting great harm upon an already incapacitated opponent. Upon entering his final form, Cooler displays a personality similar to the one shown by his younger brother in his second form, though not quite as pronounced.

Cooler becomes increasingly more brutal in his efforts to kill Goku. One similarity he has with his brother is that Cooler is completely assured of his own superiority over his opponents, and his ego is also quite pronounced as he denotes himself as the "supreme master of the universe". Like his brother, Cooler regarded all Saiyans as monkeys.

Unlike Frieza initially did, Cooler understands the importance of hard work believing it to be the best way to attain power, rather than simply having it be handed to him. In the video games Cooler constantly expresses the importance of training and how he must do so to become the strongest in the universe and maintain said strength. It's implied Cooler actually gained his fifth-form through training.

Another difference from Frieza is that when at a disadvantage during a fight, Cooler remains cool-headed, unlike his brother whose temper drives him into frenzies and tantrums; when moments from defeat, Cooler can panic like Frieza, but it happens near the end, rather than a prolonged raging. Also, while Frieza refuses to accept he is losing, Cooler's ego isn't as delicate, as despite it being comparable, he is able to acknowledge when he is defeated, if bitterly. Also, Frieza is incapable of accepting responsibility for anything, but upon Cooler's first defeat, he realises his "fault" in sparing Goku as a baby, without projecting blame to anyone else, not even his loathed brother.

With regards to his relationship with his family, Cooler appears to have had a heavy sibling rivalry with Frieza, labelling him as arrogant, supercilious, foolish, vile, and spoiled brat and a pest, and even goes as far as to admit that if Goku had not killed Frieza, he himself might have done so. In "Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans", however, Cooler and Frieza appear to be more than capable of working together to defeat a common foe, though this is likely due to the both of them having been defeated by the Saiyans and their subsequent desire for revenge.

Cooler is never shown with King Cold, but dialogue implies that he holds the same respect for his father as Frieza did. He does, however, show some resentment towards him for treating Frieza better than him.


Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge[]

Cooler appears in the fifth Dragon Ball Z movie: Cooler's Revenge. The movie opens with Frieza destroying Planet Vegeta. In his ship, Cooler's men Salza, Neiz and Dore witness Planet Vegeta's explosion from afar but soon notice a space pod coming from the planet, a space pod containing the Saiyan baby Kakarot. Although the trio prepare to destroy the pod Cooler tells his men to let the baby go, as he believed that it was Frieza's fault that a Saiyan escaped, and he should not have to cover his mistake additionally he believed that the child was not a genuine threat to them. Cooler mocks his brother for being arrogant and foolish enough to allow a Saiyan to escape and then leaves the area to continue his conquests elsewhere. Nearly three decades later, Cooler learns that his brother was killed by a powerful Saiyan named Goku and with his armored squadron travels to Earth to exact revenge for shaming their family name.

Once there he finds Goku, and tries to blast Gohan, Goku's son but Goku gets in the way of the blast and fires at the pursuing Cooler before he and Gohan are washed away by the river. Cooler's men congratulate him on his victory, but he states that Goku is still alive since he was able to fight back after taking a blast to the back. Instead of destroying the planet to vaporize his foe, Cooler declares he won't be satisfied unless he knows for sure Goku is dead. He has his men search the planet for the battered Goku.

Krillin finds and takes Goku away while Gohan goes to get a Senzu bean to heal his father. After getting the bean, Cooler's forces catch up to him, but Piccolo comes in to save him easily killing two of the members until Cooler seriously wounds him and has Salza pursue Gohan.

Eventually, Gohan gets to Goku and gives him the bean but Salza destroys the rest and wounds Gohan and Krillin. As he goes to finish Goku, the latter has recovered and confronts a surprised Salza, threatening him if he doesn't leave Earth. However, Cooler arrives and reveals that he had beaten Piccolo as Goku calls out to his unconscious friend while still believing Cooler is Frieza. Goku then learns from Salza that Cooler is really Frieza's brother, as he understands why they are like in cruelty. After Cooler blasts away the wounded Piccolo, Goku powers up knocking aside Salza as he begins to fight Cooler in rage. Cooler is amused and they fight for a while as Cooler understands how Goku gave Frieza trouble and reveals he would have killed himself sooner or later. He then reveals that he has one more form than Frieza, telling Goku he will be the first and last person to see it. Cooler then morphs into a monstrous fifth transformation with an extreme power, shocking Goku with the display.

After transforming, Cooler fights Goku effortlessly even when he latter uses his Kaio-ken technique and a full power Kamehameha, Cooler simply flies through the blast completely unharmed and continues his assault. Cooler then beats him to the ground and slamming him into a boulder. Cooler's relentless destruction wounds a bird and he voices how everything will be destroys. This makes Goku think about what will happen to the people he loves if Cooler wins, and he transforms into a Super Saiyan. After Goku transforms, Cooler is annoyed by his glare and tries to strike only for Goku to catch his hand and admonish Cooler's unnecessary killings, telling him not to take his sadness out on others.

After failing to harm with a punch, Cooler tells Goku he is simply doing what he wants and states his belief of the strong surviving and the weak dying as Goku declares they'll play by Cooler's method in fighting. Goku then attacks Cooler who sees that he cannot keep up with the Super Saiyan, he laughs in amusement at finally understanding why his brother was killed so he summons up his own version of Frieza’s “Supernova” attack to kill Goku and destroy the planet. However to his shock, Goku catches the attack and uses a Kamehameha wave and pushes the blast back at Cooler sending him to space, straight into the sun.

As he is being incinerated, Cooler angrily curses Goku and wonders why he wasn't destroyed with the rest of his people. At that moment, he realizes to his terror that Goku was that same Saiyan baby in the space pod that he allowed to escape Planet Vegeta 27 years ago just to spite Frieza, proving that he was just as foolish and arrogant as his brother was. Cooler then seemingly dies in absolute shame now knowing that the fall of him and his family's reign was ultimately his fault.

Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler[]

Main article: Meta-Cooler
Meta-Cooler (DBZ)

One of many Meta-Coolers.

An emulation of Cooler appears Dragon Ball Z movie: Return of Cooler as the main antagonist. Goku is told to go to the planet New Namek by Dende, who senses that something is wrong there. Goku and the z-fighters are confronted by a metallic Cooler on New Namek. Goku was speechless at his survival and Meta-Cooler reveals that he plans to use the Namekians as a bio-fuel for the sentient planet-sized machine, the Big Gete Star, as the original Cooler's remains have combined with it.

Cooler's strength has grown, as he now can keep up with Goku both in his regular form and utilize Instant Transmission, a personal favorite. After fighting him a little while, Goku discovers that Meta-Cooler will just regenerate after he is attacked. Goku, even after turning Super Saiyan, has trouble fending off Meta-Cooler. Then, as Meta-Cooler was choking Goku, Vegeta arrives and begins to help Goku fight Meta-Cooler. Vegeta goes Super Saiyan and together they are able to defeat Meta-Cooler. However, thousands of Meta-Coolers then appear and attack Goku and Vegeta, who are quickly outmatched and captured.


The organic remains of Cooler.

Goku and Vegeta are brought to the core of the metallic planet, where the organic remains of the actual Cooler is kept. He explains how he fused with the Big Gete Star and essentially became the Big Gete Star. He then restrains the Saiyans and leeches their energy. Goku breaks free and concentrates a ball of energy. Meta-Cooler creates a giant body of metal to fight with, but Goku throws the energy at him, Meta-Cooler is hit by the blast, which causes the star to explode, finally ending what remains of Cooler.

In his space pod, Vegeta destroys what remains of the Big Gete Star to properly end its reign of terror.

Other Media[]

Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans[]

Cooler later returns again in Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans as a ghost warrior, returning thanks to the Destron Gas of Dr. Lychee, who came to earth to wipe out all Saiyans in the universe in revenge for the Tuffle race. He, alongside his brother Frieza, Lord Slug, and Turles team up because they all want to kill whoever humiliated them. Cooler fights Goku and, during the fight, he realizes that Cooler is a ghost warrior, not the real Cooler; therefore, he decides to stop fighting and throws a powerful energy sphere at Cooler, killing him. However, in an alternate ending, Cooler ends up killing Goku.

In the OVA Remake, the story is more or less similar, only this time it is Hatchiyack who brings him back along with the rest of the villains with the intention of finishing off the Z Warriors. Cooler and the rest of the villains were defeated later. of Bulma throwing several capsules into the Destron Gas and messing it up, which was the way the ghost warriors could exist; Before this, the Z warriors would launch their energy attacks at the Villains, including Cooler, finishing them off again.

Dragon Ball GT[]

Cooler made a brief cameo appearance in Dragon Ball GT along with several villains from the past. He was defeated (off-screen) and sent back to Hell along with the villains.


  • Goku (Attempted Victim)
  • Vegeta (Attempted Victim and Killer)
  • Krillin (Attempted Victim)
  • Master Roshi (Attempted Victim)
  • Yajirobe (Attempted Victim)
  • Oolong (Attempted Victim)
  • Gohan (Attempted Victim)
  • Piccolo (Attempted Victim)
  • All other Namekians (Attempted Victims)
  • Future Trunks
  • Hearts
  • Xeno Broly

Powers and Abilities:[]

As you know, I'm in the 3rd transformed state, but I found a 4th beyond it! (Goku: What?!) You should feel privileged. You'll be the first one to witness this form! First you will see, then you will die!
~ Cooler, shortly before transforming.

Like many characters in DBZ, Cooler possesses colossal superhuman strength, durability, and speed. Though he was inferior to Frieza (during the Frieza Saga) while in his base form he is stronger than him in his fifth form. He also has energy manipulation, able to generate powerful energy blast, create a Death Ball much like Frieza (though Cooler claims he can gather energy a lot faster than he can), and can fly. Like his brother, Cooler is able to transform. Cooler has a stronger fifth form that his brother did not have.

Power Level[]

Cooler is shown fighting on par with base Goku and Frieza states that no one has power equal to him 50%, meaning that Cooler's power is at least around 3,000,000 and his maximum is at most slightly less than 60,000,000. Cooler in his fifth form is stated to have a power level of 470,000,000 in a V-Jump for Budokai Tenkaichi 3. This is far superior to his brother's 120,000,000 (during the Frieza Saga), or the 150,000,000 power-level Goku had as a Super Saiyan on Namek. The multiplier for Cooler's fifth form is more than 20x, but less than 50x.

In Dragon Ball Heroes, his base form is shown to be comparable to Goku's Super Saiyan Berserk form, as both were at a brief stalemate. His newly acquired golden form's supernova is enough to excite Cumber enough to break his restraints. His blasts prove useless at phasing Cumber when he is grappling Future Trunks, but are enough to aggravate cumber and make him shoot his mouth beam at Cooler. He is also shown briefly holding back said mouth beam, when Vegeta and trunks were fully consumed by the same attack, and taking little damage when the mouth beam (that significantly dagameges the sky and chains around the Prison Planet and causes an alarm in fu's lab) overpowers him.

In the universal conflict arc, Meta Cooler easily overpowers Laggs, and despite being caught off guard at first, is able to fight evenly with Super Saiyan 3 Cumber, having a slight edge thanks to his metallic body that allows him to somewhat resist Cumber's punches and negate most ki blasts. After being annoyed by Cumber's continuous barrage of ki blasts (that deal little to no damage but push him back), he transforms into Golden Meta Cooler and easily decimates Cumber, almost killing him with a triple supernova attack. His overheating issue keeps his massive power in check. He is forced to retreat for repairs by a malfunction that weakens his supernovas he was about to fire (though he is still able to fire them, and even the weakened supernovas are strong enough to incapacitate cumber).

In the fake universe saga, Cooler's overheating issue appears to be fixed, but he seems to be significantly weaker, possibly as a result of the fix. He fights evenly with base Hearts, and gets a moderate edge over him with the power of the dark dragon balls. His attacks force hearts on the defensive and even knock him back quite far, however, he did not stand a chance against Legendary Super Saiyan Broly (who is comparable to SSJ4 limit breaker Vegito), or against base warrior in black (who is slightly weaker in his SSJ form than SSJ rosé Goku Black, who at the time was slightly weaker than Ultra Instinct Omen Goku)

In his ghost state, he is able to briefly fight against full-power Super Saiyan Goku (after his training in the Room of Time and Space).

In Shin Budokai - Another Road, Cooler in his 5th form has become strong enough to defeat Paikuhan, who at one point, had been strong enough to defeat Super Perfect Cell (during the Cell Games Saga).

Notable Techniques[]

Arc Blast[]

A possible variation of the Death Flash attack. It is a Yellow Ki Ball that is fired at it's target. There is also a video game variation of the attack used in his 5th Form. Cooler holds his hand back and swiped it across, causing hundreds of sharp blue Ki Blasts to fly across the screen. The opponent is hit multiple times by the attack.

Supernova Death Ball[]

The version used by Cooler Is called Supernova Cooler. He gathers massive amounts of Ki in mere seconds in the form of a massive orange Death Ball. Like with Frieza's version, Cooler's Death Ball can destroy entire planets

Chaotic Dead End[]

Cooler says "Time for your punishment!" or "Take this", the user shoots a Death Beam through the opponent's chest, impaling them. Then, while laughing, he finishes by shooting several Particle Bombs at the falling opponent, inflicting a huge amount of damage. This is similar to how he nearly killed Piccolo in his first movie.

Darkness Eye Beam[]

Cooler fires two thin purple rays of Ki emitted from the eyes.

Death Beam[]

Both Cooler and Frieza use this technique. They both also both use the Barrage Death Beam variation. If it hits its target, this technique can pierce through a weaker opponent; killing them.

Particle Bomb[]

Explosive Ki Blasts that are usually used as part of his Chaotic Dead End technique.

Death Chaser[]

A melee technique used by his 5th Form. First, Cooler charges at the opponent and punches them up into the air. He then flies after the opponent and knees them in the stomach, before backhand punching them down to the ground. Finally, Cooler charges down at the opponent and finishes the attack with his Lightning Attack, inflicting a great deal of damage.

Lightning Attack[]

A downwards kick where rushes towards his victim and then kicks downwards, smashing the opponent into the ground.

Death Flash[]

In his first form Cooler uses the Death Flash, charging the attack with both of his hands upward and firing with his hands forward. When Goku falls into the river after being blasted by Cooler, Cooler hunts him and fires his Death Flash at him. Cooler also uses the Death Flash in his final form, but this time charging the attack with his one hand backward, as oppose to the first Death Flash he used in his Base Form.

Dignity of the Conqueror[]

A red Full Power Energy Wave Barrage used in his 5th Form.

Shadow Crusher[]

Originally called Nova Chariot it is Cooler surrounding himself with a blue barrier and flies at the enemy, ramming them and inflicting a great deal of damage. It is very similar to Frieza's Death Crasher. Cooler can also use that technique.

Fatal Combination[]

Cooler punches the opponent in the stomach, then he whirls the opponent around to the ground with the punch still on the stomach. Last, Cooler throws the opponent away in order to knock the opponent even further away, inflicting a great deal of damage. If the opponent is down on the ground while Cooler is above, he proceeds to drop down and then rush at the opponent.

Psycho Barrier[]

A Ki Barrier technique used by several other fighters.


A technique in which one can manipulate matter with thought waves. It is unknown how power Cooler's telekinesis is to Frieza's.


Forms 1 and 2[]

Cooler never displays these forms during the series, though they are mentioned to exist in Weekly Shonen Jump.

True Form[]

The main form that Cooler uses, it is the form that he first appeared in, his power in this form is similar to that of Base Goku.

Fifth Form[]

A form which Cooler discovered before Frieza, this state is his most powerful form and seems to be Frieza's species equivalent of a Super Saiyan. He is said to have a power level of 470,000,000 in this form. This form is even stronger than Frieza's full powered final form. In this form, he was far stronger than Base Goku who in the movie, was likely stronger than Frieza even without turning Super Saiyan. That said, because Goku's Super Saiyan was far more powerful than before, Cooler performed far worse than Frieza did when he fought him.

Ghost Warrior[]

Cooler takes this form in Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans and its remake, he takes the form after being brought back by Hatchiyack.


Cooler takes this form in The Return of Cooler, his body becomes more metallic after being one with the Big Gete Star, allowing Cooler to mass-produce his clones in order to attack the Z Warriors and destroy New Namek. This form let him take on Super Saiyan Goku and Vegata at once. Furthermore, because each clone is even more powerful than the last, he easily overpowered them after the Big Gete Star created many copies.

Golden Cooler[]

Cooler's variation of Frieza's Golden form. Cooler attained this state during his battle against Cumber a.k.a. the Evil Saiyan. Cooler's appearance in this state is the same as his fifth form but has Golden coloration.


Belay that order.... Frieza's the one in charge of this quadrant, let him clean up his own mess. I've got seven planets to destroy by the end of the day; why should I allow myself to go behind schedule just to cover his mistake? Besides, it's just a Saiyan child. He's no threat to us.
~ Cooler's unwittingly pivotal decision that would spare Goku just to spite Frieza, but eventually destroy his family
Argh, look at him. What foolishness. He's so pleased with himself that he is blinded by his arrogant pride. That could be King Vegeta in that space pod, as far as he knows... You've got a lot to learn, brother. Let's get out of here.
~ Cooler revealing his contempt for Frieza to his own Armored Squadron.
I never did like him. And now he goes and disgraces my father and I by getting killed by a Saiyan. Father always spoiled you rotten, you little brat! Salza! (Salza: Sir!) Prepare the ship for departure. I don't know who this Saiyan thinks he is but no one attacks our family and lives. No one! Plot a course for Earth.
~ Cooler announcing his plans to go to Earth and get revenge on Goku.
Goku: Put him down, Frieza!

Salza: This is Frieza's brother, you fool, wake up! This is Lord Cooler, the most illustrious fighter in the universe. Soon you will be at his mercy.
Cooler: What mercy.

~ Goku's first interaction with Cooler, learning he is Frieza's brother and that Cooler himself rejects the idea he would have mercy.
My brother was a pest. I would've killed him myself sooner or later.
~ Cooler to Goku of his dislike for Frieza.
Goku: I can't let you take your unhappiness out on other people anymore.

Cooler: What are you talking about? I kill when I want! The weak die and the strong survive!
Goku: All right then, we'll play by your rules, Cooler. LET'S GO!

~ When Goku becomes Super Saiyan, Cooler begins to face at a disadvantage, yet remaining malicious
Now I know why my brother was killed. I love it! You're too much!
~ Cooler after witnessed Goku's Super Saiyan powers.
Sleeping on the job, Super Saiyan? I can gather energy a lot faster than my brother. You shouldn't have taken your eyes off me. NOW DIE WITH THIS PLANET!
~ Cooler's sadistic glee prior launching a planet buster orb
Hahaha, yes! It is I who decides who lives and who dies! All living things are mere playthings to me! No-one can comprehend my power and cunning! ...WHAT!?
~ Cooler demonstrating a God Complex before Goku overpowers him.
Blasted Saiyan! This thing can't hold me forever! I'm going to get off and when I do, I'm going to rip him to pieces! ... Huh? It's the star of this solar system. Maybe I'll blow that up instead and let them freeze to death in darkness. Wait a second. I'm heading right for it!
~ Cooler plotting further revenge only to realise his trajectory into the Sun would be fatal
Curse that Saiyan monkey! Why wasn't he destroyed with the rest of them?! Wait, I remember now... I remember! I don't believe it! I could have killed him! I let him go... I let him go!
~ Cooler's villainous breakdown realizing that he spared Goku when he was a baby thus causing his own downfall.


  • Similarly, to the third form of his brother, who was inspired by the Xenomorph, even the final form of Cooler is inspired by a famous alien species of cinema: in his case, the Predator.
  • Cooler was the second non-canon movie villain to survive his initial defeat. First being Garlic Jr., and third being Broly.
  • In The Return of Cooler, he is similar to Sephiroth; both were seemingly killed by the main character, but fused with another powerful sentient being (Jenova for Sephiroth and the Big Gete Star for Cooler), gaining complete control over the other and using this to create clones to remotely control as his avatars while his true body is hidden away in a somewhat weakened yet powerful form.
    • Also, the sword technique Trunks kills his brother Frieza with is similar to the Omnislash that Cloud kills Sephiroth with, though Cloud's attack lacks the energy blast that reduced Frieza to dust.

External Links[]


           Movie/Sidestory Villains

Gurumes Army
King Gurumes | Bongo | Pasta

Lucifer Army
Lucifer | Ghastel | Igor

Mifan Army
Minister Tsuru | General Tao Pai Pai | Tenshinhan | Chaozu | Sergeant Metallic | Lieutenant Blue

Pilaf Gang
Emperor Pilaf | Shu | Mai

Red Ribbon Army
Commander Red | Assistant Black | General White | Sergeant Metallic | Android 8 | General Blue | Colonel Violet

Garlic Jr.'s Clan
Garlic Jr.
Makyans: Ginger | Nikki | Sansho
Spice Boys: Mustard | Spice | Salt | Vinegar

Dr. Wheelo's Forces
Bio-Men | Dr. Wheelo | Dr. Kochin | Ebifurya | Misokatsun | Kishime

Turles Crusher Corps
Turles | Amond | Cacao | Daizu | Rasin & Lakasei

Saiyan Army
King Vegeta | Prince Vegeta | Nappa | Bardock | Bardock's Elites

Galactic Frieza Army
Frieza | Zarbon | Dodoria | Cranbo | Dodoria's Elites

Lord Slug's Clan
Lord Slug | Angila | Commander Zeeun | Medamatcha | Wings

Cooler's Armored Squadron
Cooler | Salza | Neiz | Doore

Big Gete Star
Meta-Cooler | Cyclopian Guards

Red Ribbon Androids
Android 13 | Android 14 | Android 15 | Cell Max | Future Android 17 | Future Android 18

Paragus's Forces
Broly | Paragus

Galaxy Soldiers
Bojack | Bido | Bujin | Kogu | Zangya

Army of Hell
Janemba | Adolf Hitler | Frieza | Jeice | Burter | Recoome | Zarbon | Appule | Cui | Ginger | Nikki | Android 16 | Sansho | Ebifurya | Misokatsun | Rasin & Lakasei | Cacao | Daizu | Commander Zeeun | Medamatcha | Wings | Salza | Paragus | Bojack | Bido | Bujin | Kogu | Zangya

Ghost Warriors
Dr. Raichi | Hatchiyack | Frieza | Cooler | Lord Slug | Turles

Chilled's Elites
Chilled | Cabira | Toobi

Third Stellar Region Army
Frieza | Sorbet | Tagoma | Shisami

Red Pharmaceuticals
Commander Magenta | Carmine | Dr. Hedo | Gamma 1 | Gamma 2

Oolong | Yamcha | Puar | Shenron | Launch | Piccolo Jr. | Aka (Abo | Kado) | Beerus | Bio-Broly | Hirudegarn | Hoi | Maloja | Toolo


Saiyan Army
King Vegeta | Prince Vegeta | Nappa | Raditz | Illusion Saiyans | Saibamen

Galactic Frieza Army
Frieza | King Cold
Frieza's Elites: Zarbon | Dodoria | Appule | Cui | Malaka | Orlen | Banan and Sūi | Napple | Namole | Blueberry | Raspberry | Vug | Bund | Cranberry | Kuriza
Ginyu Special Forces: Captain Ginyu | Burter | Guldo | Jeice | Recoome
King Cold's Elites

Garlic Jr.'s Clan
Garlic Jr. | Garlic
Spice Boys: Spice | Vinegar | Tard | Salt

Red Ribbon Androids
Dr. Gero | Android 19 | Android 17 (Future) | Android 18 (Future) | Android 16 | Cell | Cell Jr.

Babidi's Majins
Babidi | Bibidi
Dabura | Pui Pui | Yakon | Yamu | Spopovich

Majin Buu’s Forms
Fat Buu | Super Buu | Kid Buu

Piccolo Jr. | Princess Snake | King Moai | Yetti | Raiti & Zaacro | Mr. Shu | Bourbon | Tao Pai Pai | Vodka | Musuka | Rock | Van Zant and Smitty

Video Game Exclusive
Towa | Mira | Demigra | Android 21 | Sealas | Mechikabura | Fu | Cumber | Hearts | Chamel | Kamin | Oren


Machine Mutants
Baby | Dr. Myuu | General Rilldo | Sigma Force | Nezi | Gill | Dr. Gero | Hell Fighter 17 | Super 17
Luud Cult: Dolltaki | Luud | Mutchy Mutchy | Para Para Brothers

Army of Hell
Frieza | Cell | Nappa | Raditz | Saibamen | Assistant Black | General Blue | Sergeant Metallic | Colonel Yellow | Dock | Android 19 | King Cold | Cooler | Zarbon | Dodoria | Cui | Appule | Captain Ginyu | Jeice | Recoome | Guldo | Babidi | Pui Pui | Yakon

Shadow Dragons
Black Smoke Shenron | Haze Shenron | Rage Shenron | Oceanus Shenron | Naturon Shenron | Nuova Shenron | Eis Shenron | Syn Shenron

Pilaf Gang
Emperor Pilaf | Shu | Mai

Don Kee | Ledgic | Lord Yao | Mamba | Susha | Torga | Ultimate Shenron | Sheela & Gale | Zoonama | Sugoro & Shusugoro | Sugoroku Space Caretakers